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Writer's pictureAku Energija

Čuječnost in akupunktura

Čuječnost je osnovna človeška sposobnost, da smo v celoti prisotni, zavedamo se, kje smo in kaj počnemo, vidimo, se dotikamo, vonjamo, smo čustveni ter nismo preveč reaktivni ali preobremenjeni z dogajanjem okoli nas.

Zavedati se pomeni opazovati vse življenje kot se odvija v sedanjosti, ločeno od naših misli. Živeti zavestno pomeni izkusiti "zdaj", "ta trenutek" in ga ne zamuditi. Ko živimo zavestno, ne bivamo več v preteklosti in ne sanjamo o prihodnosti. Osredotočeni smo in dajemo najbojlše od sebe tukaj in zdaj, sprejemamo vse dobro in slabo iz preteklosti, a ohranjamo zaupanje v neznano prihodnost.

Živimo v svetu, ki v veliki meri prispeva k duševni razdrobljenosti, razpadanju, odvračanju pozornosti /raztresenosti / zmedenosti, dekoherenci. --- budistični učenjak B. Alan Wallace.

Življenje se odvija v sedanjosti. Vendar pa zelo pogosto pustimo, da sedanjost uide, in pustimo času, da teče mimo neopažen in nezasežen, ter zapravimo dragocene sekunde našega življenja, ko nas skrbi prihodnost in razmišljamo o preteklosti. Vedno nekaj počnemo, vendar pa si premalo časa vzamemo za vadbo miru in tišine.

Čuječnost je energija zavedanja in budnosti v sedanjem trenutku. To je stalna praksa globokega dotikanja življenja v vsakem trenutku vsakdanjega življenja. Biti zavesten pomeni biti resnično živ, prisoten in enoten z vsem okoli sebe in s tem, kar počneš. Med umivanjem posode, vožnjo z avtomobilom ali jutranjo prho damo svoje telo in um v harmonijo.

Zavedni ljudje so srečnejši, živahnejši, bolj empatični in bolj sigurni vase. Imajo boljšo samopodobo in bolj sprejemajo svoje slabosti. Zasidrano zavedanje tukaj in zdaj zmanjšuje vrste impulzivnosti in reaktivnosti, ki so podlaga za depresijo, prenajedanje in težave s pozornostjo. Zavedni ljudje lahko slišijo negativne povratne informacije, ne da bi se počutili ogrožene. Manj se prepirajo s svojimi romantičnimi partnerji, so bolj ustrežljivi in se manj upirajo. Zaradi tega so zavestni pari bolj zadovoljni v medsebojnih odnosih.

Čuječnost in načela TKM

V tradicionalni kitajski medicini je ravnovesje ključ do dobrega zdravja. Po teoriji TKM verjamemo, da v našem telesu obstaja življenjska energija Yin in Yang. Lahko bi obstajalo veliko interpretacij, ena od njih je odnos med materialistično energijo (yin, telo) in nematerialistično (yang, um). Materialistično in nematerialistično lahko vplivata drug na drugega. Mešanje in uravnovešanje energij vašega uma in telesa lahko naravne energije vašega telesa usmeri po določenih poteh, da ohranijo nemoten pretok.

Mir in tišina postavljata stvari v red v vesolju. Načela meditacije Yin se lahko uporabijo za pomoč bolnikom, ki se borijo z zdravstvenimi težavami Yang, na primer: stres, OCD, PTSD in tesnoba, da ponovno vzpostavijo ravnotežje.

Ogenj (yang) je aktiven in porablja, voda (yin) je mirna in neguje. Uravnoteženje neprekinjene duševne in čustvene dejavnosti zahteva mir. Nekaterim je sedeti mirno pri meditaciji težko, vendar je vključevanje meditativnih tehnik v vsakodnevne rutine praktičen pristop, ki je lahko še vedno koristen.

Izboljšanje učinkovitosti akupunkture z združevanjem s prakso čuječnosti

Akupunktura deluje z manipulacijo energije Qi. Z vstavljanjem igel v naše telo deluje kot policist na kaotičnem križišču, ki poskuša preusmeriti promet nazaj v pravo smer. Dejansko je ta funkcija samodejne korekcije že v našem telesu, le preveč smo neobčutljivi nanjo. Z lahkoto jo lahko ponovno aktiviramo, tako da se osredotočimo na svoje dihanje in občutke. Naj vaša pozornost - vaš duševni fokus - nežno skenira vaše telo, od glave do pete. Bodite pozorni na fizične / telesne občutke tako, da jih čutite neposredno - od znotraj. Bodite pozorni na vsak vdih in izdih - svoje čustveno / zavestno zavedanje nežno in intimno naslonite na dihalni cikel. Poglobite se v to, kako vsakemu vdihu sledi izdih, vsakemu izdihu pa vdih. In opazite tudi presledke med vdihom in izdihom.

Redni akupunkturni tretmaji v kombinaciji s vsakodnevno meditacijo so močna kombinacija za odpravo in obvladovanje stresa. Meditacija in akupunktura ustvarita sproščujoč odziv v vašem telesu. Ta sprostitveni odziv znižuje kronični odziv vašega živčnega sistema "bori se ali beži" in vas vrne v način "počitek in prebava". Akupunktura in meditacija skupaj odpravita škodljive učinke stresa na vaše zdravje. To vam pomaga ustvariti večjo odpornost pri spopadanju s vsakodnevnimi izzivi. Vzemite si čas za obnovitvene in sprostitvene prakse, kot so meditacija, raztezanje in sprostitev, ki so pomembna komponenta pri vzpostavljanju uravnoteženega zdravja v tem sicer hitrem in stresnem svetu.

vir fotografij: Internet

prevod: Vesna Vujanović Miranda


Mindfulness And Acupuncture

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, seeing, touching, smelling and feeling emotionally and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

Being mindful means observing all of life as it unfolds in the present, separate from our thoughts. Living mindfully means experiencing “now”, “this moment” and not missing it. When we live mindfully we no longer dwell with the past nor over dream about the future. We focus and do our best here and now, accept all the good and bad from the past, but keep the confidence to the unknown future.

We're living in a world that contributes in a major way to mental fragmentation, disintegration, distraction, decoherence. --- Buddhist scholar B. Alan Wallace.

Life unfolds in the present. However, very often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what's past. We're always doing something, and yet we allow too little time to practice stillness and calm.

Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive, present, and at one with those around you and with what you are doing. We bring our body and mind into harmony while we wash the dishes, drive the car, or take our morning shower.

Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure. They have higher self-esteem and are more accepting of their own weaknesses. Anchoring awareness in the here and now reduces the kinds of impulsivity and reactivity that underlie depression, binge eating, and attention problems. Mindful people can hear negative feedback without feeling threatened. They fight less with their romantic partners and are more accommodating and less defensive. As a result, mindful couples have more satisfying relationships.

Mindfulness And The Principles Of TCM

In traditional Chinese medicine, balance is the key to good health. In the TCM theory, we believe there are Yin and Yang life energy in our body, while there could be many interpretations to it, one of which is the relationship between materialistic energy (yin, body) and non-materialistic (yang, mind). Materialistic and non-materialistic can affect each other. Blending and balancing the energies of your mind and body can direct your body’s natural energies along certain pathways to keep them flowing smoothly.

Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the universe. Yin principles of meditation can be used to help patients who struggle with Yang health concerns for example: stress, OCD, PTSD, and anxiety to regain balance.

Fire (yang) is active and consumes, water (yin) is still and nourishes. Balancing ceaseless mental and emotional activity requires stillness. Sitting still in meditation for some can be difficult, but integrating meditative techniques throughout daily routines is a practical approach that can still be rewarding.

Enhancing The Effectiveness Of Acupuncture By Combining Mindfulness Practice

Acupuncture works by the manipulation of Qi energy. By inserting needles into our body, it acts like a policeman in a chaotic crossroad trying to redirect the traffic back to the right direction. Indeed, this autocorrecting function is already available in our body, we are just too insensitive to it. We can easily reactivate it by putting your focus on your breathing and sensations. Let your attention—your mental focus—gently scan your body, from head to toe. Notice physical sensations, by feeling them directly—from the inside. Bring your attention to each inhalation and exhalation—resting your mindful awareness gently and intimately upon the breathing cycle. Become deeply interested in how each inhalation is followed by an exhalation, and each exhalation is followed by inhalation. And notice, also, the gaps between inhalation and exhalation.

Regular acupuncture treatments combined with daily meditation are a powerful combination for reversing and managing stress. Both meditation and acupuncture create a relaxation response in your body. This relaxation response down-regulates the chronic "fight or flight" response of your nervous system and puts you back into "rest and digest" mode. Together acupuncture and meditation reverse the harmful effects of stress on your health. This helps you create greater resiliency in the face of your daily challenges. Taking the time for restorative and mindful practices such as meditation, stretching and relaxation is an important component in finding balanced health in this otherwise rushed and stressed-out world.



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