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Koliko vode naj bi popili? Razumevanje vodne energije s TKM

Writer's picture: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Pacientka mi je zaupala, da ker je bila njena kri pregosta, se je odločila piti več vode. Številni moji pacienti imajo prav tako zdravo navado, da dnevno popijejo več litrov vode. Vendar kljub vsemu njihovemu trudu je njihovo telo še vedno šibko kar se tiče vodne energije glede na TKM. Čemu tako?

Pogovorimo se najprej o znanstveni obliki vode

Človeško telo je sestavljeno iz približno 60 % vode. Funkcije telesnih tekočin vključujejo prebavo, absorpcijo, pretok, tvorbo sline, transport hranilnih snovi in vzdrževanje stalne telesne temperature. Tu voda večinoma pomeni strukturo H2O. Za merjenje telesnega deleža vode znanstveniki uporabljajo merjenje razmerja med vnašanjem in izločanjem vode. Če vnos vode ni enak njenemu izločanju, lahko postanete dehidrirani. Izguba tekočin je toliko večja v toplejših podnebjih, med naporno telovadbo, na višjih nadmorskih višinah itd.

Če je naše telo preprosto sestavljeno iz 60-70 % vode, potem bi morali le nastaviti intravenozni vnos in črpati vodo naravnost v telo, mar ne? Nekateri domnevajo, da so naši možgani sestavljeni iz 90 % vode, torej, zakaj ne bi vode dovajali naravnost noter? Seveda, srednješolska izobrazba na področju znanosti obsega tudi osmotski tlak. Če bi vodo samo zlili v naše telo, potem bi zaradi difuzije tekočin pravzaprav umrli.

Naše telo je veliko bolj kompleksen sistem, torej kako točno vsrkava, nadzoruje, transportira in izloča vodo?

Voda v primerjavi s telesnimi tekočinami in vodno energijo v TKM

Najprej, večine znanstvenih vodnih komponent v našem telesu je v TKM res označenih kot telesna tekočina. To se nanaša na različne vrste fizioloških tekočin, ki jih najdemo v telesu, vključno s tekočinami v organih in tkivih, želodčno tekočino, črevesno tekočino, spermo in solzami.

Vodna energija ne vključuje samo telesne tekočine. Pomeni tudi moč pomirjanja, prehranjevanja telesa in izvajanja gibanja po telesu navzdol. Pri povezavi med naravo energije in našim organskim sistemom v teoriji TKM je ledvični sistem najbolj povezan z vodno energijo. Torej po eni strani ledvični sistem prečiščuje telesne tekočine, po drugi pa nadzira celoten vodni sistem s pomočjo mehurja in številnih meridianov.

Izvor, porazdelitev in izločanje telesnih tekočin [1]

Glede na teorijo TKM izvirajo telesne tekočine iz hrane in vode. Formirajo se med prebavo v želodcu in skozi transformacijo v vranici. Tanko črevesje izvleče telesne tekočine z nadaljnjim ločevanjem čistih od nečistih tekočin, ki so vsebovane v hrani. Debelo črevesje nato prispeva k formaciji telesnih tekočin z vsrkavanjem vode iz blata.

Telesne tekočine so porazdeljene in izločene preko različnih poti. Najprej se porazdelijo s pomočjo vranične funkcije transporta do pljuč. Od tam se potem razširijo v ostale dele telesa. Vodni kanali v našem telesu se skupaj imenujejo trojni grelnik. Ta sodeluje skupaj z ledvicami in mehurjem z namenom zbiranja nečistih in odpadnih snovi ter njihovega nadaljnjega izločanja. Telesne tekočine pomagajo pri izločanju odpadkov presnove in strupov, ki so proizvajajo med metaboličnimi funkcijami številnih različnih organov. Te tekočine se običajno izločajo v obliki pota in urina. Na ta način telesne tekočine vzdržujejo čisto in zdravo okolje za organe, meridiane in tkiva.

Bistvo hidracije telesa ni samo voda

Kjer je nezadosten vnos vode eden izmed glavnih vzrokov za dehidracijo, ta ni edini. Konec koncev so ključnega pomena ledvični meridiani in energijski nivoji, ki skupaj delujejo tako, da ustvarijo celotni vodni cikel. Skupaj izločajo veliko količino telesnih hormonov, predvsem aldosterona. To je stresni hormon, ki v telesu pravzaprav uravnava količino vode in ravnotežje koncentracij mineralov, kot je natrij.

Nadledvične žleze so odgovorne za brzdanje stresa preko izločanja stresnega hormona, namreč aldosterona. Če je vaše telo v kroničnem stresu, nadledvične žleze proizvajajo preveč aldosterona, kar povzroči, da po telesnem sistemu kroži preveč natrija. Ko gre ta skozi ledvice, da bi zapustil telo preko urina, sabo vzame še večjo količino vode, kar vodi do dehidracije. Po takšni poti lahko kronični stres telo vodi do dehidracije. Torej bo za veliko ljudi ostalo tako, da bodo kljub zadostnemu vnosu vode ostali dehidrirani.

Če poenostavimo zgoraj navedeno znanstveno pojasnitev v TKM izrazoslovju, to pomeni, da stres preveč stimulira naš ledvični sistem in da ledvični ogenj kuri ledvično vodo. Vendar je to le eden izmed razlogov za nezadostno vodno energijo. Ostali najpogostejši vzroki vključujejo neprimerno prehrano (uživanje prevelike količine toplote in ognjene hrane ali uživanje hrane, ki ustvarja vlažnost, vodita do blokiranja vodnih kanalov), nezadostne količine spanca, prekomerna raba možganske moči, slaba poporodna nega ali pretirana spolna aktivnost.

Nekaj primerov težav, ki se pojavijo zaradi nezadostne vodne energije, vključujejo naslednje probleme:

TKM nasveti za krepljenje vodne energije

  1. Majhni požirki, ne goltajte: če naenkrat popijete preveč vode, lahko ta razredči vaš ledvični sistem, kar mu povzroča stres. Prav tako lahko zlivanje vode vase vodi do šibkega metabolizma tekočin (res je, tudi vodo morate prebaviti). Torej raje postopno skozi dan pijte po majhnih požirkih, kot pa da spijete veliko količino naenkrat.

  2. Segrejte vodo: vsi vemo, da za normalno funkcioniranje naše telo potrebuje stalno telesno temperaturo. Pri tem si lahko pomagate tako, da svojo vodo segrejete, zato da lahko prihranite ‘prebavni ogenj’ za ostalo hrano. Ravno nasprotno vam bo pitje ledeno mrzle vode ali uživanje mrzle hrane škodovalo, ker upočasni celotni vodni metabolizem.

  3. Podpirajte svoje ledvice: ker ledvični sistem nadzoruje tekočine, si želite, da so v dobrem zdravju. Pogosteje uživajte kuhano juho iz črnega sezama, goji čaj in orehe. Akupunktura, qigong meditacija in katerakoli jin aktivnost prav tako podpira zdravje vaših ledvic.

  4. Zaščitite svoj želodec: prva vrata absorpcije vode in povsem prvi del zdravega vodnega cikla je želodec. Če je vaš želodec šibek, potem bo qi energija (ki deluje kot gonilo za vodno cirkulacijo) nezadostna. Zato si zapomnite, da morate uživati redne tople obroke in jesti več žitaric.

  5. Omejite vnos alkohola in kave: tako alkohol kot kava sta grelne narave, kar pomeni, da aktivirata našo telesno moč. Vendar pretirano uživanje lahko zlahka vodi do ‘kurjenja’ naših telesnih virov energij, predvsem vodne energije.

  6. Ne pijte preveč vode: vse v našem telesu ima neko normalno mero in voda tu ni izjema. Samo zato, ker naše telo telo potrebuje veliko vode, to še ne pomeni, da se morate siliti s pitjem velikih količin vode. Pretirano pitje je gotovo utrujajoče in preveč obremenjujoče za obvladovanje vašega sistema.

  7. V svojo prehrano vključite vodo: namesto pitja litrov čiste vode, poskusite vpeljati v svoje obroke juhe ali pa jedi, ki so kuhane v vodi. Namesto cvrtja, peke in peke na žaru se raje poslužite kuhanja v sopari ali kuhanja v vreli vodi. To prav tako pomaga pri ohranjanju vsebnosti vode v hrani.

Kot lahko vidite, je optimalna hidracija nekoliko zapletenejša kot samo pitje velikih količin vode. Vsi smo edinstveni v različnih načinih odziva na stres in delovanju telesa. S tem v mislih je holostični pristop k hidraciji najboljši. V primeru dodatnih vprašanj o tem, kako vam TKM pomaga do boljše vodne energije, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.


prevod: Tanja Topić

vir fotografij: internet


How much water should I drink? Understanding Water energy with TCM

A patient of mine told me that her blood is too thick so she decided to drink more water. Many patients of mine also drink extra liters of water as a healthy habit. However, despite all their efforts of drinking water, their body is still “weak in water energy” according to Traditional Chinese medicine. Why is that?

First Let’s talk about the Scientific Water

Human body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. Here, water mostly means the H2O structure. And to measure the water in the body, scientist use the intake and outflow measurement. If water intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated. Fluid losses are accentuated in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, in high altitudes, etc.

If our body is as simple as a 60-70% water composition, then we should just set up an IV drip and pump water right in. Some even suggest that our brain is 90% water, then why don’t we just put water directly in? Yes, our secondary school science knowledge already teaches us about osmotic pressure. If we just pour water in our body, our cell actually die because of fluid infusion.

Our body is a much more complex system, so how does it absorb, control, transport and excrete water?

Water vs Body fluids vs Water Energy in Traditional Chinese medicine

First of all, most of these scientific water component in our body is indeed referred as body fluids in TCM. Body fluids refer to the different kinds of physiological fluids found in the body, including fluids in the organs and tissues, gastric fluid, intestinal fluid, semen and tears.

Water Energy includes but not limited to body fluids. Water energy also means the power to calm, nourish and perform downward movement. When TCM associate the energy nature to our organ system, the Kidney system is the most related to Water energy. So together, the Kidney system on one hand purify the body fluid, it also control the whole water system with the help of the urinary bladder and many meridians.

The Origin, Distribution and Excretion of Body Fluids [1]

According to TCM theory, body fluids originate from food and water. They are formed during digestion in the stomach and by transformation in the spleen. The small intestine extracts body fluids by further separating the pure fluids from the impure fluids contained in the food, and the large intestine contributes to the formation of body fluids by absorbing water from the stool.

Body fluids are distributed and excreted via different pathways. First, they are distributed through the spleen's transportation function to the lungs. In the lungs they are disseminated to the rest of the body. The water channels in our body is called “triple burner”. Together with the kidney and urinary bladder, they work together to collect the impure waste and excrete it. Body fluids help excrete metabolic waste and toxins produced through the metabolic functions of various organs. These fluids are usually excreted as sweat and urine. In this way, body fluids maintain a clean and healthy environment for organs, meridians and tissues.

Getting the body hydrated is not just about water

While inadequate water intake is one of the primary causes for dehydration, it is not the only one. Ultimately, it is the kidney, meridians and energy levels that work together to create the whole water cycle. Together, they secrete a large amount of the body's hormones. In particular the aldosterone. Aldosterone is a stress hormone that actually regulates water levels and the balance of minerals, like sodium, in the body.

The adrenals are responsible for handling stress via the secretion of stress hormones, namely aldosterone. If your body is chronically stressed, the adrenals overproduce aldosterone, causing an excess of sodium to circulate in your system. As the excess sodium passes through the kidneys to leave the body via urine, it takes excess water with it, leading to dehydration. In this way, chronic stress can lead to dehydration. So, for many people who still drink enough water, but are highly stressed, they will remain dehydrated.

If we translate the above scientific explanation into the TCM terms, it means that stress over stimulates the Liver system and the Liver fire burns out the Kidney water. But this is only one of the reason for insufficient water energy. Other commons causes include improper diet (eating too much heat and firey food, or eating food that creates dampness block water channel), insufficient sleep, overusing of brain power, poor postnatal care or overactive sexual activities.

A few examples of the problems that arise from insufficient water energy include:

  • dry hair, hair loss, hair problems,

  • skin disorders such as acne, eczema and dryness,

  • hormonal imbalances,

  • joint pain, stiffness and arthritic conditions,

  • irregular body temperature,

  • sugar imbalances, insulin resistance, diabetes,

  • tinnitus (ringing in ears),

  • blood deficiencies (anaemia),

  • headaches,

  • fatigue.

TCM Tips for strengthening water energy

  1. Small sips, don't chug: Drinking too much water at once can "dilute" your kidney system, causing a stress for them. Also, chugging your water can lead to poor fluid metabolism (yes you have to digest water too). So, gradually sip smaller amounts of water through the day, rather than drinking large amounts all at once.

  2. Warm it up: We all know that our body need constant temperature to function. Help it out by warming our water so we can save our “digestive fire” for other foods. On the contrary, drinking ice cold water or icey food is a harm to our body because it slows down the whole water metabolism.

  3. Support your Kidneys: Because the kidney system rules the fluids, you want them to be in good shape. Eat cooked black sesame soup, goji tea and walnuts more often. Acupuncture, QiGong, meditation, and any calming "yin" activity also support the health of the kidneys.

  4. Protect your Stomach: Stomach is the first gate of water absorption and the very first part of the healthy water cycle. If you have a weak stomach, the Qi energy (which works as the power for water circulation) will be insufficient. So remember to eat regular warm meals and eat more grains.

  5. Limit alcohol and coffee: Both alcohol and coffee have a heating nature that means they activate our body’s power. But over consumption could easily lead to over burning of our body resources, especially the water energy.

  6. Do not over drink water: Everything in our body has a normal range, and water is no exception. Just because our body needs plenty of water does not need that you have to force yourself to drink so much water. Over drinking is indeed exhausting and overloading your water management system.

  7. Include water in your food: Instead of drink liters of pure water, try to drink soups during meals or eat food that are cooked in water. Use steaming or boiling rathering than deep frying, baking or grilling. This helps to preserve water content in food.

As you can see, optimal hydration is a bit more complex than just drinking plenty of water. We are all unique, with different ways to responding to stress, and unique biologies. With that in mind, a holistic approach to hydration is best. If you have further questions about how TCM helps you with better water energy, please contact us.


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