Alergijski rinitis, znan kot seneni nahod, prizadene približno 10-40 % svetovnega prebivalstva in ima lahko velik zdravstveni in ekonomski vpliv na skupnost (Sibbald, 1991). Tipični simptomi so kihanje, srbenje nosu, zamašen nos in voden izcedek iz nosu (Lund 1994). Drugi simptomi vključujejo očesne simptome (npr. rdeče oči, srbenje oči, solzenje), kašelj, sopenje in oteženo dihanje, oralni alergijski sindrom (npr. srbeče in oteklo grlo ob uživanju koščičastega sadja) ter sistemske simptome, kot so utrujenost, vročina, občutek pritiska v glavi in srbenje. Tradicionalna kitajska medicina (TKM), vključno z akupunkturo, zeliščno medicino in prehranskimi nasveti, ponuja alternativni pristop k obvladovanju alergijskega rinitisa. Ta članek se osredotoča na učinkovitost in mehanizme akupunkture in kitajske medicine pri zdravljenju alergijskega rinitisa.
Akupunktura za alergijski rinitis
Akupunktura, ki je ključna komponenta TKM, vključuje vstavljanje tankih igel v določene točke na telesu, da se spodbudi pretok energije ali qija. V več študijah so preučevali učinkovitost akupunkture pri lajšanju simptomov, povezanih z alergijskim rinitisom:
Podatki iz sistematičnih pregledov kažejo, da sta akupunktura in moksibustija lahko varno in učinkovito zdravljenje alergijskega rinitisa z večjimi koristmi v primerjavi s konvencionalno medicino (Xiao, 2009), da lahko akupunktura pomaga ublažiti simptome celoletnega rinitisa (Lee, 2009) in da je akupresura ušes podobno učinkovita kot antihistaminiki (Zhang, 2010). Vendar pa pregledi navajajo tudi, da so dokazi mešani in da so raziskave na splošno slabe kakovosti ter da je za oceno učinkovitosti akupunkture pri alergijskem rinitisu, zlasti sezonskem (senenem nahodu), potrebnih več visokokakovostnih randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav (Roberts 2008; Lee 2009; Xiao 2009; Zhang 2010). Nedavne randomizirane kontrolirane raziskave so pokazale, da ima akupunktura, ki se uporablja kot dodatek k rutinski oskrbi alergijskega rinitisa, klinično pomembne in trajne koristi (Brinkhaus 2008) in je stroškovno učinkovita (Witt 2009). Tovrstne raziskave so tudi pokazale, da je akupunktura učinkovita pri simptomatskem zdravljenju celoletnega rinitisa (Xue 2007) in da je aktivna akupunktura učinkovitejša od navidezne akupunkture pri zmanjševanju ocene simptomov pri trdovratnem alergijskem rinitisu in povečanju števila dni brez simptomov (Ng 2004).
Kitajska zeliščna medicina za alergijski rinitis
Kitajska zeliščna medicina poleg akupunkture ponuja celosten pristop k zdravljenju alergijskega rinitisa. Za zdravljenje alergij morajo izvajalci opredeliti vzroke za reakcije in simptome. Izvajalci pomagajo prepoznati in zdraviti poglavitne vzroke za alergije. To pomaga nadzorovati reakcije vašega telesa in preprečiti ponovitev še več alergij. Zeliščne formulacije so prilagojene individualnim značilnostim posameznega bolnika. Nekatera pogosto uporabljena zelišča za zdravljenje alergijskega rinitisa vključujejo plodove Xanthium 蒼耳子, Nagnoliae Flos 辛荑花 in plodove Forsythia連翹.
Priporočila za prehransko terapijo in življenjski slog pri alergijskem rinitisu
Zdravniki TKM lahko priporočijo tudi spremembe prehrane in življenjskega sloga za podporo splošnega zdravja in obvladovanje simptomov alergijskega rinitisa. Na splošno alergije povzročata mraz in vlaga, zato se želimo izogibati živilom, ki prenašajo te energije. Mednje spadajo:
hladne pijače
surova zelenjava in solate
mlečni izdelki
rafinirani sladkorji in sladkor v koncentrirani obliki
sadje, ki povzroča vlago, kot so citrusi, banane in melone
Poleg tega se izogibajte uživanju hrane 2-3 ure pred spanjem in prenehajte jesti, ko ste 70 % siti, da zmanjšate energetsko obremenitev telesa.
[Preberi več: Hrano je potrebno skuhati – tradicionalna kitajska medicina pojasni prebavni sistem] [Preberi več: Cirkadiani ritmi in telesna ura kitajske medicine]
Akupunktura blizu mene za alergijski rinitis
Akupunktura in kitajska medicina nudita celovit in holističen pristop k obvladovanju simptomov alergijskega rinitisa. Medtem ko lahko ljudje z običajnimi zdravili dosežejo nekaj olajšanja, zdravljenje s kitajsko medicino ponuja ustrezno alternativo brez možnih stranskih učinkov teh zdravil. Akupunktura lahko pomaga zmanjšati potrebo po urgentnem zdravljenju hudih alergijskih reakcij in prepreči, da bi se seneni nahod ponavljal iz leta v leto. Kot pri vsakem zdravljenju se morajo posamezniki, ki razmišljajo o zdravljenju alergijskega rinitisa z akupunkturo ali kitajsko medicino, posvetovati s kvalificiranimi izvajalci, da le-ti pripravijo prilagojene načrte zdravljenja, prilagojene njihovim potrebam in zdravstvenim ciljem.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, affects around 10-40% of the population worldwide and can have a substantial health and economic impact on the community (Sibbald 1991). The condition can affect several organ systems, and cause many symptoms. Typical symptoms include sneezing, nasal itching, nasal blockage, and watery nasal discharge (Lund 1994). Other symptoms include eye symptoms (e.g. red eyes, itchy eyes, tearing), coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath, oral allergy syndrome (i.e. an itchy, swollen oropharynx on eating stoned fruits), and systemic symptoms such as tiredness, fever, a pressure sensation in the head, and itchiness. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy, offers an alternative approach to managing allergic rhinitis. This article focuses on the efficacy and mechanisms of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in treating allergic rhinitis.
Acupuncture for Allergic Rhinitis
Acupuncture, a key component of TCM, involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow or "Qi." Several studies have explored the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis:
Evidence from systematic reviews suggests that acupuncture and moxibustion may be a safe and effective treatment for allergic rhinitis with benefits over conventional medicine (Xiao 2009), that acupuncture can help to relieve symptoms of perennial rhinitis (Lee 2009) and that ear acupressure has a similar efficacy to antihistamines (Zhang 2010). However, the reviews also state that the evidence is mixed and the trials generally of poor quality and that more high-quality randomised controlled trials are needed to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture for allergic rhinitis, particularly seasonal (hay fever).(Roberts 2008; Lee 2009; Xiao 2009; Zhang 2010). Recent randomised controlled trials have found that acupuncture used as an adjunct to routine care for allergic rhinitis has clinically relevant and persistent benefits (Brinkhaus 2008) and is cost effective (Witt 2009). Such trials have also found that acupuncture is effective in the symptomatic treatment of perennial rhinitis (Xue 2007) and that active acupuncture is more effective than sham acupuncture in decreasing the symptom scores for persistent allergic rhinitis and increasing the symptom-free days (Ng 2004).
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Allergic Rhinitis
In addition to acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine offers a holistic approach to managing allergic rhinitis. To treat allergies, practitioners must identify the causes of the reactions and symptoms. Practitioners help to identify and treat the underlying causes of allergies. This helps to control your body’s reactions and to prevent the relapse of more allergies. Herbal formulations are tailored to individual patient presentations. Some commonly used herbs for allergic rhinitis include Xanthium fruit 蒼耳子, Nagnoliae Flos 辛荑花, and Forsythia fruit連翹.
Dietary Therapy and Lifestyle Recommendations For Allergic Rhinitis
TCM practitioners may also recommend dietary modifications and lifestyle changes to support overall health and manage allergic rhinitis symptoms. In general, allergies are caused by cold and damp, so we want to avoid foods that carry these energies:
Cold drinks
Raw vegetables and salads
Dairy products
Concentrated and refined sugars
Fruits that cause dampness like citrus, bananas, and melons
In addition, avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed, and stop eating when you’re 70% full to ease the energy strain on your body.
[Read more: Cook your food - digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine] [Read more: Circadian Rhythms and the Chinese Medicine Body Clock]
Acupuncture Near Me for Allergic Rhinitis
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing allergic rhinitis symptoms. While people can get some relief from conventional medications, TCM treatment offers a viable alternative without the possible side effects of these medicines. Acupuncture can help reduce the need for emergency treatment for severe allergic reactions, and also help prevent hay fever from recurring, year after year. As with any medical treatment, individuals considering acupuncture or Chinese medicine for allergic rhinitis should consult qualified practitioners to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs and health goals.