Sindrom policističnih jajčnikov (PCOS) je pogosta hormonska bolezen, ki prizadene 10-20 % žensk v reproduktivnem obdobju. PCOS je tudi eden od najpogostejših vzrokov neplodnosti pri ženskah. Glavni težavi PCOS sta hormonsko neravnovesje in motnje v delovanju jajčnikov. Ženske s PCOS imajo neredne ali manjkajoče menstruacije, anovulatorne menstrualne cikle in povišano raven androgenov in/ali testosterona. Sindrom policističnih jajčnikov diagnosticiramo, če ima ženska dve od treh naslednjih meril:
Zamujena ovulacija in/ali menstruacija ali njuna odsotnost
visoke ravni androgenih hormonov (npr. testosterona in DHEA-S)
Policistični jajčniki na ultrazvoku
Pomembno je vedeti, da je resnost bolezni zelo različna - pri nekaterih bolnikih s PCOS je edini očitni simptom le rahlo neredna menstruacija, medtem ko drugi morda še nikoli niso imeli menstruacije in imajo vse druge simptome, kot so debelost, prekomerna poraščenost in akne.
Zdravstveni posegi za PCOS pogosto vključujejo uporabo kontracepcijskih tablet, ki spodbujajo redne menstruacije, vendar to zdravljenje ne odpravlja vzroka težave. Poleg tega si veliko žensk, ki se spopadajo s PCOS, aktivno prizadeva zanositi, zato kontracepcijska zdravila v teh primerih niso uporabna. TKM in akupunktura lahko pomagata rešiti številne zdravstvene težave žensk, vključno s PCOS in posledično neplodnostjo, ter ponovno vzpostavita normalno delovanje ženskega reproduktivnega sistema brez stranskih učinkov, ki jih lahko povzročijo zdravila.
Akupunktura za PCOS
Uporaba akupunkture v reproduktivni endokrinologiji in neplodnosti je postala vse bolj priljubljena po vsem svetu. Številne klinične in eksperimentalne študije na živalih kažejo, da je akupunktura koristna pri motnjah ovulacijskega delovanja pri PCOS. Poročali so tudi, da naj bi akupunktura potencialno izboljšala občutljivost na inzulin in zmanjšala testosteron pri bolnikih s PCOS.
Spodaj so znanstveni članki, ki potrjujejo, da je akupunktura učinkovita pri zdravljenju PCOS.
akupunktura bi lahko spodbudila obnovitev menstrualnih ciklov ter znižala raven LH in testosterona pri bolnikih s PCOS. [1]
ponavljajoče se terapije z akupunkturo so povzročile večjo pogostost ovulacije pri vitkih/pretežkih ženskah s PCOS in so bile učinkovitejše kot samo srečanje s terapevtom. Zmanjšale so se serumske ravni spolnih steroidov jajčnikov in nadledvične žleze, brez vpliva na izločanje LH. [2]
Terapija z akupunkturo ima lahko vlogo pri PCOS, saj: poveča pretok krvi v jajčnikih, zmanjša volumen jajčnikov in število cist na jajčnikih, nadzira hiperglikemijo s povečanjem občutljivosti na inzulin in znižanjem ravni glukoze in inzulina v krvi, zmanjša raven kortizola ter pomaga pri hujšanju in anoreksiji. [3]
Akupunkturne točke za zdravljenje PCOS [4]
Baihui (GV20) - dviguje jang in koristi Qi
Tianshu (ST25) - dviguje čisti jang Qi in spušča motne tekočine
Qihai (CV6) - dopolnjuje ledvice, koristi bistvu in prvotnemu Qi
Guilai (ST29) - uravnava pretok krvi in menstruacijo
Geshu (BL17) - tonizira qi in kri
Xinshu (BL15) - poživlja kri in umirja shen
Shenshu (BL23) - tonizira ledvice in hrani bistvo
Pangguangshu (BL28) - uravnava spodnji gorilnik (sanjiao), ogreva jang in spodbuja preoblikovanje qi
Kitajska zelišča za PCOS
V kitajski družbi je zdravljenje z zeliščnimi zdravili ali akupunkturo za porodniške in ginekološke bolezni, kot so fibroidi maternice, dismenoreja, klimakterični sindrom, predmenstrualni sindrom in neplodnost, običajna praksa. Jia-Wei-Xiao-Yao-San je najpogosteje uporabljena formula. Gre za klasično formulo TKM, ki vsebuje 10 zelišč. Formula je bila prvotno zapisana v knjigi Nei Ke Zhai Zhe Yao (Izvleček interne medicine), ki jo je napisal cesarski zdravnik Xue Ji v času vladavine dinastije Ming na stari Kitajski. V sodobnem kliničnem zdravljenju ima JWXYS pomembno vlogo pri zdravljenju tesnobe, razdražljivosti, stresa, depresije, predmenstrualne napetosti, klimakteričnega sindroma in neplodnosti. [5] (Samo v izobraževalne namene, pred uživanjem zdravila rastlinskega izvora se vedno posvetujte s strokovnjakom.)
Nasveti za samooskrbo za PCOS
Eden od glavnih notranjih dejavnikov, ki povzročajo prekomerno vlažnost in zastoj pri PCOS, je preveč mraza v telesu. Ohranjanje tople energije je ključnega pomena. Navade, kot sta pitje ledeno hladnih pijač in uživanje sladoleda, zlasti v času menstruacije, imajo lahko resnično negativen vpliv. Morda se zdi staromodno, vendar veliko nasvetov, ki jih povezujemo s časom naših babic, velja še danes.
Oblecite se primerno za morebitno hladno vreme. Vedno imejte s seboj jakno ali šal
Trebuh in spodnji del hrbta naj bosta pokrita in topla
Ko je zunaj hladno ne nosite sandalov ali ne hodite bosi, ne nosite raztrganih kavbojk ali ne izpostavljajte gležnjev mrazu
Ne hodite spat z mokrimi lasmi
Redno jejte tople obroke [Kuhajte hrano--- prebavni sistem je razložen v tradicionalni kitajski medicini].
Izogibajte se sladkim in mlečnim izdelkom
[2] DOI: 10.1152/ajpendo.00039.2013
[3] DOI: 10.3109/09513591003686304
[4] Gu Yunxia, Li Jun, Zheng Pengying (2018) “Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Western Medicine on Hormone Level and Ovarian Blood Flow in Infertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome” Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine Vol. 22 (25) pp. 3588-3590.
[5] doi: 10.3390/jcm7070179
Acupuncture and TCM for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that affects 10-20% of women during their reproductive years. PCOS is also one of the most prevalent causes of infertility among women. The primary problems of PCOS are hormonal imbalances and dysfunction of the ovaries. Women with PCOS have irregular or missing periods, anovulatory menstrual cycles, and elevated androgen and/or testosterone levels. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is diagnosed if a woman has two of the three following criteria:
Delayed or no ovulation and/or menstruation
High levels of androgenic hormones (i.e. testosterone and DHEA-S)
Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
It’s important to know that there is a wide range of severity of the condition- some patients with PCOS have only slightly irregular periods as the only obvious symptom, while others may have never before gotten a period on their own and have every other symptom such as obesity, excess hair and acne.
Medical interventions for PCOS often involve using birth control pills to stimulate regular menses, but this treatment does not address the issue at its source. Additionally, many women struggling with PCOS are actively trying to get pregnant, so contraceptive medications are not useful in these cases. TCM and acupuncture are able to help resolve many women’s health problems, including PCOS and the resulting infertility, restoring normal function to the female reproductive system without the side effects that medications can cause.
Acupuncture for PCOS
The use of acupuncture in reproductive endocrinology and infertility has gained increased popularity worldwide. Several clinical and animal experimental studies indicate that acupuncture is beneficial for ovulatory dysfunction in PCOS. Acupuncture has also been reported to potentially improve insulin sensitivity and to decrease testosterone in patients with PCOS.
Below are scientific papers that support that Acupuncture is effective in treating PCOS.
acupuncture could promote the recovery of menstrual cycles as well as downregulate the levels of LH and testosterone in patients with PCOS. [1]
repeated acupuncture treatments resulted in higher ovulation frequency in lean/overweight women with PCOS and were more effective than just meeting with the therapist. Ovarian and adrenal sex steroid serum levels were reduced with no effect on LH secretion. [2]
Acupuncture therapy may have a role in PCOS by: increasing of blood flow to the ovaries, reducing of ovarian volume and the number of ovarian cysts, controlling hyperglycaemia through increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood glucose and insulin levels, reducing cortisol levels and assisting in weight loss and anorexia. [3]
Acupoints for treating PCOS [4]
Baihui (GV20) – raises yang and benefits Qi
Tianshu (ST25) – raises clear yang Qi and descends turbid fluids
Qihai (CV6) – supplements the kidneys, benefits essence and original Qi
Guilai (ST29) – regulates blood flow and menstruation
Geshu (BL17) – tonifies Qi and blood
Xinshu (BL15) – invigorates blood and calms shen
Shenshu (BL23) – tonifies the kidneys and nourishes essence
Pangguangshu (BL28) – regulates the lower burner, warms yang, and promotes the transformation of Qi
Chinese herbs for PCOS
It is a common practice in Chinese society to receive treatment with herbal remedies or acupuncture for obstetrical and gynecological conditions, such as uterine fibroids, dysmenorrhea, climacteric syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, and infertility. Jia-Wei-Xiao-Yao-San is the most commonly used formula. It is a classical TCM formula containing 10 herbs. The formula was originally recorded in Nei Ke Zhai Zhe Yao (Internal Medicine Abstract), written by imperial physician Xue Ji during the rule of the Ming dynasty in ancient China. In modern clinical therapy, JWXYS plays a vital role in treatment of anxiety, irritability, stress, depression, premenstrual tension, climacteric syndrome, and infertility. [5] (For educational purposes only, please always consult professional advice before consuming herbal medicine.)
Self-Care Tips for PCOS
One of the main internal factors causing the excess dampness and stasis of PCOS is too much cold in the body. Maintaining your warm energy is key. Habits like drinking ice cold beverages and eating ice cream, especially around the menstrual period, can really have a negative impact. It may seem old-fashioned, but a lot of the advice we associate with our grandmothers’ time still applies today.
Dress appropriately for potentially chilly weather. Always bring your jacket or scarf with you
Keep the abdomen and lower back covered and warm
Don’t wear sandals or go barefoot or broken jeans or expose your ankle when it is cold outside
Don’t go to bed with wet hair
Eat regular warm meals [Cook your food--- digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine]
Avoid sweet and dairy products
[2] DOI: 10.1152/ajpendo.00039.2013
[3] DOI: 10.3109/09513591003686304
[4] Gu Yunxia, Li Jun, Zheng Pengying (2018) “Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Western Medicine on Hormone Level and Ovarian Blood Flow in Infertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome” Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine Vol. 22 (25) pp. 3588-3590.
[5] doi: 10.3390/jcm7070179