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Akupunkturna točka Baihui (GV20) - stotine srečanj


Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Bai Hui (百會) je akupunkturna točka na vrhu glave. Pomeni "Sto konvergenc" (ali "srečanj") . V kodi akupunkturnih točk je znan kot Du 20 ali Governing Vessel 20. Anatomski položaj se nahaja na sredini glave v liniji z vrhom ušes, centrira krošnjo glave.

Bai Hui je stičišče upravljalnega žilja (medialnega meridiana, ki poteka predvsem po hrbtu) s kanalom sečnega mehurja, kanalom žolčnika, kanalom San Jiao in kanalom jeter. Zato se imenuje "Sto konvergenc", kar pomeni veliko srečanj na tej točki. Poleg tega srečanja presegajo samo naše fizično telo. V tradicionalni kitajski medicini pravijo, da so "nebo (nebesa - heaven), zemlja in človek tri sile". Ker je Bai Hui najvišja točka telesa in najbližja nebu (nebesom), je Bai Hui človekova povezava z nebesi.

Baihui (GV20) je ena najpomembnejših akupunkturnih točk meridiana Du (vladno plovilo) in se pogosto uporablja v nevrologiji in psihiatriji ter kot distalna točka pri anorektalnih motnjah pri splošnih zdravnikih.

V praksi akupunkture in kitajske medicine se Bai Hui na splošno uporablja za "čiščenje čutov" in "umirjanje duha". Glede na smer igle lahko ta akupunkturna točka dviguje ali spušča Qi. Če je igla v liniji kanala, lahko dvigne jang in ima dvižni učinek, zato je močna točka pri prolapsu, splavu, hemoroidih, sinusitisu, izgubi zavesti, depresiji in diareji (bolezni, ki imajo tendenco gibanja navzdol). Če jo iglamo proti kanalu, lahko razprši notranji veter in umiri jang, zato je učinkovita točka pri omotici, vrtoglavici, šumenju v ušesih, glavobolih, hipertenziji, pretiranem razmišljanju, nespečnosti, možganski kapi, zakrčenosti in drugih (bolezni, ki kažejo pretiran pretok energije v zgornji del telesa).

Vadite "dvigovanje BaiHui" sami

Mojster tai chi-ja Yang Cheng-Fu [2] pravi, da bi bilo brez dviga točke Bai Hui tudi 30 let vadbe izguba časa. Poglejmo, zakaj je dvig točke Bai Hui (DU20) tako pomemben tako za mojstre borilnih veščin kot za druge vaditelje.

Ko dvignete Bai Hui:

samodejno spustite brado navzdol in navznoter. Glava se rahlo nagne naprej. S tem zaščitite vrat in, kot so rekli stari mojstri: Skrijte svoje grlo in izzovite vse junake na svetu.

Zravnajte hrbtenico. To pomaga dekompresiji hrbteničnih vretenc, da se izognete glavobolom, prebavnim motnjam, bolečinam in togosti v križu ter drugim zdravstvenim težavam ali jih zmanjšate. Izboljšate tudi svojo držo, ravnotežje, okretnost in borilne veščine.

Izboljša se prekrvavitev možganov. Tako vzhodna kot zahodna medicina priznavata, da lahko oviranje možganske cirkulacije (tudi za nekaj minut) povzroči trajne poškodbe možganov ali možgansko kap.

Ta videoposnetek prikazuje meditacijo v stoječem položaju in vajo za dvigovanje BaiHui-ja.




Acupoint Baihui (GV20)- Hundreds Of Encounters

Bai Hui (百會) is the acupoint at the top of the head. It means “Hundred Convergences” (or "Encounters") . In the acupoint code it is known as Du 20 or Governing Vessel 20. The anatomanical position is located on the midline of the head in line with the apex of the ears, it centers the crown of the head.

Bai Hui is the meeting point of the Governing Vessel (the medial meridian running mostly on our back) with the Urinary Bladder channel, the Gallbladder channel, the San Jiao channel and the Liver Channel. Thus it is named “Hundred convergences” that means many meetings at this point. Furthermore, the meetings go beyond just our physical body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is said that ‘sky (heaven), earth and man are the three powers’. Since Bai Hui is the highest point of the body and the closest to the sky (heaven), Bai Hui is the human connection to heaven.

Baihui (GV20) is one of the most important acupoints of the Du meridian (the government vessel) and is commonly used in neurology and psychiatry and as a distal point of anorectal disorders by general practitioners.

In the practice of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Bai Hui is used generally to “clear the senses” and “calm the Spirit.” Depending on the direction of the needle, this acupoint can ascend or descend the Qi. If needled in line with the channel it can raise the yang and have a lifting effect, making it a powerful point for prolapse, miscarriage, hemorrhoids, sinusitis, loss of consciousness, depression and diarrhea (diseases that has a downward moving tendency). If needled against the channel it can dispel interior wind and settle yang making it an effective point for dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, headaches, hypertension, overthinking, insomnia, stroke, lockjaw and more (disease that shows excessive energy flow to the upper part of the body).

Practice “Lifting BaiHui” On Your Own

According to Tai Chi Master Yang Cheng-Fu [2], “without lifting your Bai Hui point, even 30 years of practice would be a waste of time”. Let’s discuss why lifting your Bai Hui (DU20) is so important to both martial artists and other practitioners.

When you lift your Bai Hui:

You automatically tuck your chin down and inwards. The head bends slightly forward. Martially, this protects your neck and as the old Masters said: Conceal your throat and challenge all the heroes in the world.

You straighten your spine. This helps decompress your spinal vertebrae to avoid or reduce headaches, indigestion, low back pain and stiffness, and other health problems. You also improve your posture, balance, agility, and martial skills.

The circulation in your brain improves. Both Eastern and Western medicine recognize that obstruction of brain circulation (even for a few minutes) can result in permanent brain damage or stroke.

This video shows the standing meditation and lifing BaiHui exercise.




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