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Ba Duan Jin: Osem brokatov

Writer: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Ba Duan Jin, Osem delov brokata, je starodavna praksa daoyina, ki se je na Kitajskem uporabljala že več stoletij. Daoyin (導引) pomeni vodenje energije Qi in raztezanje telesa. Praksa Daoyin je bila predhodnica Qigonga in je bila namenjena zdravju in duhovni kultivaciji. Vaja Brokat vključuje številna načela Taiji Quana (太極拳), vendar v bolj osnovni obliki.

Baduanjin vadba, ena najpogostejših oblik Qigonga, je sestavljena iz osmih ločenih, občutljivih in gladkih vadbenih gibov; vsak del prinaša določene koristi za izboljšanje funkcij različnim fizičnim delom telesa ali določenim organom. Skozi koncepte in prilagoditve dihanja namenjenim doseganju samopsihosomatske regulacije, Baduanjin vaje poudarjajo pomen »Qi« in »forme«, kar posledično omogoči celovito vadbo za doseganje telesne in duševne harmonije. [1]

Ba Duan Jin je nekakšna dinamična vadba Qigonga. Domneva se, da ima 800 letno zgodovino. Na podlagi teorije tradicionalne kitajske medicine je bilo ustvarjenih osem gibov za krepitev kosti in mišic, usklajevanje telesa in duha z vodenim kroženjem energije Qi. Vsak od 8 gibov ustreza sistemu TKM, kot so jetra, želodec, vranica in srce, in se lahko izvaja v celoti ali delno, da se osredotoči na preprečevanje in zdravljenje posebnih zdravstvenih težav.

Baduanjin (Osem zakladnih vaj) je ena izmed mnogih starodavnih kitajskih vadb, ki spodbujajo zdravje, in se jih je mogoče zlahka naučiti brez učitelja. Njegova terapevtska vrednost ni dokazana, vendar naj bi bil dragocen pri prebavnih motnjah, zaprtju, astmi, osteoartritisu, debelosti in nevrasteniji. Čeprav je vadbo mogoče izvajati s slednjem slik in navodilom, je uspeh v resnici odvisen od koncentracije, sproščenosti in vsakodnevne vadbe. [2]

Osem zlatih zakladov brokata, Ba Duan Jin, je preprost in enostaven za učenje, in se lahko razlikuje po intenzivnosti, da ustreza posamezniku. Ko se ga naučite, je najbolje vaditi zjutraj ali zvečer na svežem zraku, vsakič 15-30 minut.

1. Dve roki držita nebesa (兩手托天理三焦) Gibanje: Izravnajte roke in z obema dlanema pritisnite proti nebu. Prednosti: Uravnoteži energijo v vseh notranjih organih.

2. Nariši lok za streljanje jastreba (左右開弓似射鵰) Gibanje: Odprite roke, kot da vlečete struno loka v konjski drži. Prednosti: Ponovno poravna hrbtne mišice in hrbtenico ter krepi mišice rok, trebuha, hrbta in nog. Spodbuja splošno dobro zdravje in vitalnost.

3. Dvignite eno roko in pritisnite drugo (調理脾胃單舉手) Gibanje: Iztegnite eno roko, da potisnete dlan navzgor, in pritisnite drugo navzdol. Prednosti: Poživlja trup z energijo iz nebes in zemlje. Odpre prsni koš za globlje dihanje.

4. Obrni telo in se ozri nazaj (五勞七傷往後瞧) Gibanje: Držite telo naravnost in pokončno, medtem ko zvijate hrbtenico in gledate čez ramo. Prednosti: Razgiba vratne in očesne mišice, sprošča napetost. Neguje notranje organe z vitalno energijo in svežo oksigenirano krvjo.

5. Zazibajte z glavo in stresite rep (烏龍擺尾清心火) Gibanje: Upognite in obrnite telo, da pogledate navzgor v konjski drži. Prednosti: Odstranjuje ognjeno energijo iz sistema tako, da jo črpa skozi pljuča in energijska vrata.

6. Dve roki držita noge za krepitev ledvic in pasu (兩手攀足固腎腰) Gibanje: Upognite telo za masažo hrbtnih mišic in iztegnite noge. Prednosti: Raztegne in tonizira celotno hrbtenico. Spodbuja cirkulacijo sveže oksigenirane krvi v možgane. Uravnoveša pretok energije med sprednjim in zadnjim ter zgornjim in spodnjim delom telesa.

7. Stisnite pesti z žarečimi očmi (攢拳怒目增氣力) Gibanje: Udarite s pestjo z napetim pogledom v konjski drži. Prednosti: Jezni in napeti občutki se razblinijo. Dodaten kisik se dovaja v kri.

8. Poskakovanje na prstih (坐馬攀鞍病全消) Gibanje: Dvignite se na prste in poskočite navzdol. Prednosti: Stimulirajte meridian Du (督脈) in akupunkturne točke na dnu stopal, da izboljšate cirkulacijo in okrepite imunski sistem.

[1] Zhao, F., Sun, S., Xiong, J. et al. Učinek vadbe Baduanjin na telesno pripravljenost študentov, povezano z zdravjem: študijski protokol za randomizirano kontrolirano preskušanje. Preizkusi 20, 569 (2019).

[2] Koh TC. Baduanjin - starodavna kitajska vadba. Am J Chin Med. 1982;10(1-4):14-21. doi: 10.1142/S0192415X8200004X. PMID: 7183203.


Ba Duan Jin: The Eight Brocades

Ba Duan Jin, The Eight Sections of Brocade, is an ancient practice of Daoyin that has been used for many centuries in China. Daoyin (導引) means guiding energy Qi and stretching the body. The practice of Daoyin was a precursor of Qigong and was aimed for health and spiritual cultivation. The Brocade exercise incorporates many of the principles of Taiji Quan (太極拳) but in a more basic form.

Baduanjin exercise, one of the most common forms of Qigong, consists of eight separate, delicate, and smooth exercise movements; each section brings certain function-enhancing benefits to different physical parts of the body or particular organs.Through concepts and respiratory adjustments designed to achieve self-psychosomatic regulation, Baduanjin exercises emphasize the meaning of “Qi” and “form,” resulting in a comprehensive exercise to achieve physical and mental harmony. [1]

Ba Duan Jin is a kind of dynamic Qigong practice. It is believed to have 800 years of history. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, eight movements were created to strengthen the bones and muscles, coordinated the body and mind with a guided circulation of Qi energy. Each of the 8 movements is corresponding to a TCM system such as the liver, stomach, spleen and heart, and may be practiced in whole or part to focus on the prevention and treatment of specific medical problems.

Baduanjin (Eight-Treasured Exercises) is one of the many health-promoting ancient Chinese exercises that can easily be learnt without a teacher. Its therapeutic value is unproven, however, it is claimed to be valuable for indigestion, constipation, asthma, osteoarthritis, obesity and neurasthenia. Although the exercise may be practiced by following the pictures and instructions, success really depends on concentration, relaxation and daily practice. [2]

The Eight Golden Treasure Brocade, Ba Duan Jin is simple and easy to learn, and may be varied in intensity to suit the individual. Once you have learnt it, it is best practiced in the morning or evening in fresh air, for 15-30 minutes each time.

1. Two Hands hold up the Heavens (兩手托天理三焦)

Movement: Straighten arms and press towards the sky with both palms. Benefits: Balances energy in all the internal organs.

2. Drawing the Bow to Shoot the Hawk (左右開弓似射鵰)

Movement: Open arms as if pulling on the string of a bow in horse stance. Benefits: Realigns the back muscles and the spine and strengthens the muscles of the arms, abdomen, back and legs. Promotes overall good health and vitality.

3. Raise One Hand and Press the other (調理脾胃單舉手)

Movement: Stretch one arm to push palm up and press the other down. Benefits: Invigorates the torso with energy from the heavens and from the earth. Opens the chest for deeper breathing.

4. Turn Body and Look Back (五勞七傷往後瞧)

Movement: Keep body straight and upright while twisting spine and looking over shoulder Benefits: Exercises the neck and eyes muscles, releases tension. Nourishes the internal organs with vital energy and freshly oxygenated blood.

5. Sway the Head and Shake the Tail (烏龍擺尾清心火)

Movement: Bend and turn body to look up in horse stance. Benefits: Expels Fire Energy from the system by drawing it out through the lungs and energy gates.

6. Two Hands Hold the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys and Waist(兩手攀足固腎腰)

Movement: Bend body to massage back muscles and stretch legs. Benefits: Stretches and tones the entire spinal column. Promotes the circulation of freshly oxygenated blood to the brain. Balances energy flow between the front and back and the upper and lower parts of the body.

7. Clench Fists with Blazing Eyes (攢拳怒目增氣力)

Movement: Punch fist with an intent gaze in horse stance. Benefits: Angry and tense feelings are dispelled. Additional oxygen is supplied to the blood.

8. Bouncing on the Toes(坐馬攀鞍病全消)

Movement: Rise up on toes and bounce down. Benefits: Stimulate Du meridian(督脈)and acupoints on the bottom of feet to boost circulation and enhance immune system.

[1] Zhao, F., Sun, S., Xiong, J. et al. The effect of Baduanjin exercise on health-related physical fitness of college students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 20, 569 (2019).

[2] Koh TC. Baduanjin -- an ancient Chinese exercise. Am J Chin Med. 1982;10(1-4):14-21. doi: 10.1142/S0192415X8200004X. PMID: 7183203.


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