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Kako zdraviti Hashimotov tiroiditis s TKM

Writer: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Updated: Feb 17

V moji ordinaciji AKU ENERGIJA je Hashimotov tiroiditis precej pogost med boleznimi ščitnice, ki jih zdravim. Zanimivo je, da imajo moji pacienti s to boleznijo pogosto zelo podoben profil: gre predvsem za sposobne ženske, ki zasedajo vodilne položaje, so zaposlene matere in živijo pod velikim pritiskom.

Dva ključna dejavnika, ki najbolj prispevata k razvoju težav s ščitnico, sta:

  • prevelik stres

  • preobremenjenost z delom

Hashimotov tiroiditis lahko postane zapletena in kronična doživljenjska avtoimuna bolezen, prav tako videna kot ena izmed pogosto videnih oblik hipotiroidizma. Gre za tipičen primer, kako lahko dolgotrajna izgorelost škoduje telesu – stres in preobremenjenost dobesedno izčrpata zaloge energije, potrebne za vzdrževanje intenzivnega življenjskega sloga. To je podobno, kot bi prižgali svečo na obeh koncih. [Preberi več: Jing, Qi in Shen: trije zakladi v tradicionalni kitajski medicini]

Z vidika TKM imajo pacienti s Hashimotom prav tako avtoimuno stanje, kjer je v telesu preveč ognjene energije. Po TKM teoriji jin-janga sta dve nasprotni energiji medsebojno odvisni. Jang energija (ogenj, moč, vznemirjenje, duh) potrebuje za podporo jin energijo (voda, nadzor, mirnost, vir materiala). Če sveča gori prehitro in premočno, vosek pregori in ogenj ugasne.

Na srečo lahko kitajska zelišča in akupunktura pomagata pri obvladovanju takšnega stanja. Ko se enkrat moč in vitalnost začenjata izboljševati, si lahko pacient obnovi porušen sistem in si zmanjša odvisnost od tiroksina.

Kakšni so znaki in simptomi Hashimotovega tiroiditisa?

Učinek prevelikega stresa

Vse oblike intenzivnih čustev, kot so jeza, tesnoba, skrbi, strah lahko ovirajo funkcioniranje pretoka našega jetrnega qi. Ta čustva vodijo do začaranega kroga, ki upočasni primeren pretok našega jetrnega qi, kar se odraža v obliki stagnacije qi. Slednja povzroči, da se v kopičijo telesne tekočine, kar se kaže kot mrtva voda. To v zameno vpliva na našo ščitnično žlezo na sprednjem delu vratu. [Preberi več: Pomanjkanje Qi energije: kaj to je in kako jo obvladati?]

Preveč dela: pomanjkanje in izčrpanje vitalne energije

Odkar se je začela industrijska doba so ljudje postali majhna enota gromozanske naprave, ki mora ves čas delovati. Vendar je za razliko od npr. vašega avtomobila, ki mu z lahkoto zamenjate dele ali v celoti kupite novega, vaše telo težko obnoviti, ko je enkrat sistem že porušen.

Iz mojih zdravniških izkušenj, sta šibkost ledvic in želodca najpogostejši stanji. Ravno to sta dva glavna vira energije. Ledvice so kot varčevalni račun, ki shranjuje prirojeno energijo, medtem ko je želodec hkrati tekoči račun in delovna enota, ki neprenehno generira energijo. Kakorkoli, preveč dela lahko vpliva na naše prehranske navade in ko naše telo ne ustvari energije pravočasno, se naše telo usmeri v porabo shranjene energije. V določeni točki je to tako, kot da bi si sposojali energijo lastnega telesa. Prej ali slej bo zmanjkalo tudi te shranjene energije in potem jo bo moral pacient vrniti z obrestmi.

Bom kdaj lahko prenehal z jemanjem zdravil?

Pravzaprav je to zapleteno vprašanje. Prvič: ko je nekdo bolan, se mora zazreti v problem in poiskati rešitve. Na nek način konvencionalna medicina nadzoruje in uravnava situacijo. Ne glede na možne stranske učinke je jemanje zdravil nujno.

Sintetični tiroidni hormoni so predpisani za hipotiroidizem, ki ga je povzročil Hashimotov tiroiditis. Gre za terapijo z nadomestitvijo ščitničnih hormonov, ki je nujno doživljenjska. Prenehanje jemanja zdravil se lahko odraža v ponovitvi simptomov.

Tradicionalna kitajska medicina ponuja perspektivo, ki v konvencionalni medicini manjka ali pa je spregledana, zato lahko ponudi nekaj več in dopolnilnega. Raba kitajskih zelišč in akupunkture pomaga pri:

  • Harmoniziranju

  • Negovanju in hranjenju

  • Krepitvi in spodbujanju telesa

TKM pomaga telesnemu sistemu pri popravljanju in ponovni napolnitvi, ko je izčrpano in utrujeno. V kombinaciji s primernim življenjskim stilom in spremembami v prehrani lahko učinkovito povrne osnovne sistemske funkcije. Ko do tega pride, je zmanjševanje odmerka zdravil (pod strogim in previdnim opazovanjem) končni rezultat, vendar ne primarni cilj. [Preberi več: Vaše telo je ekosistem, ne stroj]

Kaj pričakovati pri bolezni, ki ni ozdravljiva?

Tradicionalna kitajska medicina je tako logična in sistematična kot je konvencionalna zahodna medcina in temelji na drugačnem razumevanju resničnosti. TKM je prepoznana za formalno medicino v večih državah, prav tako s strani WHO.

Če zdravilo še ne obstaja, to ne pomeni, da ga nikoli ne bo nihče odkril. Na srečo je TKM odkrila odmerke, ki pomagajo pri Hashimotovem tiroiditisu. [Preberi več: Uravnovešenje ščitnice s TKM] [Preberi več: 8 nasvetov za zdravo ščitnico]

Da bodo simptomi oljašani, bodo na splošno potrebna tedenska zdravljenja v obdobju treh mesecev ali celo več, če si želite znatno povrniti temelje in okrepiti telo. Dobra stvar je, da večina naših pacientov pride nazaj na rutinsko kontrolo z dobrimi rezultati krvnih testov, to pa pomaga pri krepitvi duha in samozavesti za nadaljevanje z našim zdravljenjem.

Če trpite za Hashimotovim tiroiditisom, nas kontaktirajte za več informacij.


How to Treat Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis With Chinese Medicine

In my clinical practice at Aku Energija, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a very common thyroid disease I treat. Interestingly, my Hashimoto patients are very much alike: women, capable personality, management level at work, busy mother.

Indeed, there are two main factors attributing to most thyroid problems:

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can be a complex and chronic lifelong autoimmune disease, as well as one of the more frequently seen forms of hypothyroidism. It is a typical example of how burnout could hurt our body in a long term. Over stress and overwork people are indeed burning their energy storage to keep up with their busy lifestyle. It is like burning candles from 2 ends.

So for Hashimoto patients they also have the autoimmune condition which in the view of TCM is too much Fire energy in the body. In the Yin-Yang theory of TCM, the 2 opposing energy are somehow interdependent. The Yang energy (Fire, power, excitement, spirit) needs the Yin energy (Water, control, calmness, material resources) for support. When a candle is burnt too intensively, the wax is burnt out and there will be no more fire. [Read more: Jing, Qi & Shen: The Three Treasures in Traditional Chinese Medicine]

Fortunately, Chinese herbs and acupuncture can help in the management of this condition. Once strength and vitality start to improve, a patient may regenerate the broken system and reduce the dependence on Thyroxine.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

The impact of Over Stress

All kind of intensive emotions like angry, anxiety, worries, fear, can impair the function of our Liver Qi flow. These emotions make a vicious cycle, inhibiting the proper flow of our liver Qi and resulting in Qi stagnation. Qi stagnation causes an accumulation of body fluids manifesting as dead water. This in turn, affects our thyroid gland in the front of our neck. [Read more: Qi deficiency: What is it and how do you manage it?]

Over Work: Deficiency and Depletion of Vital Energy

Ever since the industrial age has begun, human beings are more or less turned into a small unit in a gigantic machine that needs to run all the time. But unlike your car which you can easily replace parts or even the whole car, our body is very difficult to regenerate once our system are broken apart.

In my clinical experience, Kidney and Stomach weakness are the most common condition. These are the two main energy sources. Kidney is like a saving account that stores congenital energy while Stomach is both a current account and a working unit that constantly generate energy. However, over working could affect our eating routines and when our body do not generate energy in time, we shift into using the storage energy. In some point, this is like borrowing energy from our own body. Sooner or later, even the storage energy will run low and the patient will then have to pay it back, with interests.

Will I Be Able to Stop taking my medication?

Well, this is a tricky question. First of all, when someone is sick, he or she must look into the problem and look for a solution. In some way, conventional medication is controlling and regulating the situation. Despite the possible side effects, taking medicine is a necessary measure.

Synthetic thyroid hormone is prescribed for hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is a thyroid hormone replacement therapy, needs to be taken for life. Stopping the medication can result in a recurrence of the symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a perspective that is missing or overlooked in conventional medicine and therefore offers something extra and complementary. The use of Chinese herbs and acupuncture helps to:

  • Harmonise

  • Nourish

  • Strengthen and boost the body

TCM helps the body’s system to repair and recharge when depleted and exhausted. In the combination of appropriate lifestyle and diet changes, it may effectively restore the system's basic functions. By that time, adjusting the dosage of medication (under straight and careful monitoring!!) is an end result but not a primary target. [Read more: Your Body as a Garden]

What to Expect with a Disease That Has ‘No Cure’?

Traditional Chinese medicine is as logical and systematic as Conventional Western medicine and is based on a different understanding of reality. TCM is a recognized formal medicine in many countries as well as the WHO.

If there is “no cure” in one place, it only means that one has not found it yet. Fortunately, TCM has found the measures to help with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. [Read more: Balancing the Thyroid with TCM] [Read more: 8 Healthy Tips for Thyroid]

In general, it will take weekly treatments over three months to reduce the symptoms and even longer to extensively rebuild foundation and strengthen the body. The good thing is, most of our patient come back with good blood test result in their routine check ups and this will help with boosting morale and confidence to continue with our treatment.

If you are suffering from Hashimoto thyroiditis please contact us for more information.


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