V skladu s priporočili za zdravo vadbo bi morali imeti vsak teden vsaj 150 minut vadbe - tek pa je ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih in najlažjih oblik vadbe. Vendar pa vam tek morda ne bo vedno koristil. Včasih se lahko ta oblika kardiovaskularne vadbe dejansko obrne v vašo škodo. Obstajajo dokazi, da lahko pretiran tek povzroči poškodbe srca. V skrajnih primerih pa so tekači med vadbo celo umrli zaradi srčnega napada.

Je vsakodnevno tekanje lahko slabo? Mnogi tekači zamenjujejo sposobnost hitrega in vztrajnega teka z zdravim načinom življenja, kar pa ni ista stvar.
Za dobro zdravje je primerna ravno prava mera teka. Pretiravanje ne prinaša boljšega zdravja, zelo intenziven in naporen tek pa je lahko tudi škodljiv.
Če se boste naslednjič, ko se udeležite skupinskega teka malo ozrli naokoli lahko opazite, da ima marsikateri tekaški kolega takšne ali drugačne težave. Različne poškodbe, pogosti prehladi ali pa nezdrav življenjski slog.
Tekačem, ki so nagnjeni k pogostim poškodbam, so izčrpani, ali pa trpijo za kroničnimi boleznimi, kot je naprimer artritis, vsakodnevni tek ni priporočljiv.
Namesto vsakodnevnega teka lahko v svojo vadbo vključite druge športne aktivnosti, ki so koristne za vaše telo, kot je hoja, plavanje, kolesarjenje, treningom za moč ter jogo.
Ženske bi morale biti pri teku bolj previdne
Vaše telo morda ni dovolj močno za to Tek zahteva zelo močan osrednji del našega telesa, in sicer globoke trebušne mišice, medenično dno, glutealne in kolčne mišice. To pa so prav tiste mišice, ki pri ženski oslabijo - še posebej, če je v predporodni ali poporodni fazi. Če želite izkoristiti prednosti teka, ne da bi pri tem poškodovali vašo hrbtenico, lahko najprej začnete delati na svojih osrednjih mišicah, jih okrepiti z ustrezno vadbo, osredotočeno na to področje, in po tem vključite tek v svojo rutino.
Vaše kosti teka morda ne podpirajo Dokazano je, da se sklepni hrustanec pri ženskah degenerira hitreje kot pri moških. To pomeni, da lahko tek povzroči zgodnji začetek artritisa v nosilnih sklepih žensk, ki tečejo. Počasen začetek in trening za krepitev telesne moči ter kosti lahko pomagata.
Predhodno obstoječe poškodbe Že obstoječe težave, kot so šibkost medeničnega dna ali urinska inkontinenca, lahko dodatne nezaželene posledice. Stopnja poškodbe je odvisna od strukturnih poškodb medenice in nožnice med porodom ali po menopavzi.
Velikost medenice Biološko gledano ima večina žensk širšo medenico in s tem širše boke ter težja stegna. To lahko dodatno obremeni njihova kolena (težave s patelo-stegnenico), zaradi česar so kolena po teku bolj nagnjena k poškodbam/bolečinam, saj je koleno pod velikim pritiskom.
Zmernost je ključna
Razmerje med aerobno vadbo in zdravjem je odvisno od količine: telovadite malo in s tem znatno koristite svojemu telesu; vadbo uskladite s priporočenimi smernicami in dosežete lahko najboljše rezultate.
Pretiravanje, neupoštevanje priporočil ter preseganje lastne sposobnosti lahko škoduje vašemu zdravju.
Znanje o primerni vadbi ima tudi velik pomen v programih javnega zdravja.
Ljudje, ki večino časa preživijo v sedečem položaju največkrat niso preveč navdušeni nad spremembami svojih navad, saj je vsak začetek težak. Zato ob priporočilu, da bi iz nič vadbe prišli na 150 minut redne telesne aktivnosti na teden raje ne storijo nič.
Bolje bi bilo opomniti ljudi, naj začnejo z malo zmerne vadbe. Redno začnite z zmerno in nadzorovano vadbo. Postopoma povečajte intenzivnost ali trajanje. Kombinirajte tek z različnimi drugimi oblikami vadbe, da omogočite bolj zaokrožen trening in se izognete preobremenitvi določenih delov telesa. Včasih je počasno hitro, če je vaša smer jasna in pravilna; medtem ko je hitro počasno, če nimate ustreznega znanja, zavedanja in temeljev za vaš cilj.
Vir fotografij: Splet
Prevod: Luka Grilc
Avoid These Hidden Dangers Of Running To Get A Healthy Exercise
According to exercise guidelines, you should get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week — and running is one of the most popular and easiest forms of exercise. However, running might not always work to your advantage. Sometimes, this form of cardiovascular exercise can actually backfire and not suit you. There is evidence that excessive running can cause damage to the heart. In a few extreme cases, runners have died of heart attacks during events.
Is running every day bad? Many runners confuse being able to run a fast race with being healthy. But they aren’t the same. There is an optimal level of running for improved health. Running more than this offers no further health benefits and very strenuous running can be harmful. Unfortunately, if you take a quick look around at your next group run or race, you’ll note that more of your running mates may be classified as unhealthy than they would like to admit – nagging injuries, frequent colds, or unhealthy practices outside running that impact health. For runners who are injury prone, detrained, or suffer from chronic conditions such as arthritis, running every day is not advised. Instead, reduce your weekly running volume and increase other cross-training modalities that work best for your body and support running including walking, swimming, cycling, strength-training, and yoga.
Women need to be more cautious about running
Your core might not be strong enough for it Running requires a very strong central portion of our bodies namely, deep abdominals, pelvic floor, gluteal and hip muscles. These are the exact muscles which get weak in a woman—especially when she is in pre or postnatal stage. If you want to reap the benefits of running without letting it damage your spine, you can start by working on your core muscles first, strengthen them with a proper workout routine focusing on this area, and include running in your routine after that. 2. Your bones might not support it Women’s joint cartilages have been proven to degenerate faster than that of men. This means that running can cause an early onset of arthritis in the weight-bearing joints of women who run. Starting slow and building your bone strength with the help of resistance training can help. 3. Pre-existing damage Pre-existing issues such as pelvic floor weakness or urinary incontinence can cause running to backfire and vice-versa. The degree of damage depends on the structural damage to the pelvis and vaginal area during childbirth or after menopause. 4. The size of the pelvis Biologically, most women have a bigger pelvic area and thus, wider hips and heavier thighs. This can add to the burden on their knees (patella-femoral issues), making the knees more prone to an injury/pain after running which subjects the knee to a lot of pressure.
Moderation is the key The relationship between aerobic exercise and health is dose-dependent: exercise a little and you get a significant benefit; work to the recommended guidelines and you get the maximum benefit. The health benefits plateau when you exceed the recommended guidelines, and if you greatly exceed the guidelines you start to damage your health.
This knowledge has very important implications for public health programmes. Exhorting sedentary people to start exercising to the official recommended guidelines is all well and good, but many people are so daunted by the prospect of going from zero minutes exercise per week to 150 minutes, they decide to do nothing.
It would be better to exhort all people to start a little regular exercise, even if less than the guidelines. Start with a small and controllable exercise regularly. Increase the intensity or duration gradually. Combine running with different other forms of exercise to allow a more well-rounded training and avoid over-stressing certain parts of the body. Sometimes, slow is fast if your direction is clear and correct; while fast is slow if you do not have a proper knowledge, awareness and foundation for your target.