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Jing, Qi in Shen: trije zakladi v tradicionalni kitajski medicini

Writer: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Če ste obiskali našo ordinacijo v Ljubljani, ste se kdaj vprašali, kaj je napisano na našem okrasnem ogledalu? (Tradicionalni kitajski znaki se berjo od desne proti levi ali od zgoraj navzdol.)

V kitajski medicinski teoriji so 精 Jing, 氣 Qi in 神 Shen tri vitalne energije, ki so bistvene za ohranjanje človeškega življenja. Imenujemo jih "trije zakladi" in vsaka od njih prispeva k splošnemu zdravju in dobremu počutju telesa. Za Jing, Qi in Shen ni natančnega slovenskega prevoda, pogosto jih prevajamo kot bistvo, vitalnost in duh. Zelo stara analogija, ki se uporablja že od nekdaj in ki nas jo je naučil mojster Teeguarden, bi te pojme razložila s pomočjo sveče.

Jing je vosek in knot sveče, je izjemno zgoščena energija, ki postane materialna. Qi je plamen, ki ga primerjamo z energijsko aktivnostjo sveče, ki pri gorenju (živem) povzroči, da sveča zgori. Shen je svetloba/žarek, ki izhaja iz prižgane sveče.

Jing - materialno bistvo, ustvarjalna energija

Jing je najbolj koncentrirana energija. Pogosto jo imenujemo "bistvo". Bistvo je osnova rasti, razvoja in razmnoževanja. Jing je prvotna življenjska energija. Jing ali esenco lahko povzamemo v dva dela: prirojeno/prenatalno in pridobljeno/postnatalno. Prenatalni Jing pridobimo ob rojstvu od staršev in prednikov. Postnatalni Jing pridobimo po rojstvu s hrano, vodo, kisikom ter okoljskimi in družbenimi pogoji.

Jing kot načrt določa splošno strukturo našega življenja. Prenatalni Jing določa osnovno konstitucijo, moč in vitalnost. Njegova količina je fiksna, določena ob rojstvu: ni ga mogoče dodajati, lahko ga le ohranjamo in počasneje porabljamo. Prenatalni Jing je shranjen v sistemu ledvic in ga lahko štejemo za baterijo (ali varčevalni račun) vašega telesa in življenja. Če prezgodaj porabite ves svoj Jing, ste brez denarja. Jing izgubljamo zaradi pretiranega stresa ali skrbi, preobremenjenosti, nepravilnega načina življenja ali pretiranih spolnih aktivnosti. Simptomi šibkega Jing/esence se pogosto kažejo kot izgorelost, depresija, neplodnost in degeneracija. Če ima nekdo šibko esenco, to vpliva tudi na kakovost njegovih potomcev. Prenatalni Jing lahko ohranimo tako, da si prizadevamo za ravnovesje pri vseh življenjskih dejavnostih. Ravnovesje pomeni zmernost pri prehrani, delu in počitku ter spolnih aktivnostih.

Postnatalni Jing se pridobiva iz hrane po procesu prebave. Po rojstvu začnemo samostojno jesti, piti in dihati. Naši sistemi pljuč, vranice in želodca začnejo delovati. Iz hrane in pijače ter zraka pridobivamo in plemenitimo snovi. Postnatalni Jing je kompleks esenc, ki se prečiščujejo in izločajo. S pomočjo delovanja želodca in vranice izločamo in prečiščujemo koristne snovi/energijo: Težki materialni del je pridobljeni jing (jin), nematerialni del pa qi (jang), medtem ko se nato iz telesa odstranijo neuporabni odpadki.

Qi- Gibanje vitalnosti

Ko govorimo o Qi kot zakladu, govorimo o vitalni energiji v človeškem telesu in ne o tem, da je vse v vesolju Qi/energija. Kot smo že omenili, življenjsko energijo Qi pridobimo z dihanjem zraka in prebavljanjem hrane, s čimer pridobivamo življenjsko energijo. To je predvsem oblika energije jang. Ta se giblje po telesu. Energija jang premika energijo jin. Naša kri (Xue) in voda bosta brez Qi zastali. Prav tako lahko Qi kot oblika energije Yang proizvaja toploto (ogenj). Če ima človek manj energije Qi, lahko trpi zaradi utrujenosti, šibkosti, pogostega prehlada, počasne presnove itd.

Shen - Duh življenja

Zadnji zaklad, "Shen", se prevaja kot "Duh" ali "Um". V teoriji TCM lahko Shen dodatno razdelimo na 元神 Duh in 識神 Um, vsaj nekaj sto let pred Sigmundom Freudom. Duh je običajno podzavestni del miselnosti, um pa zavestni.Shen je odgovoren za zavest, spoznavanje, čustveno življenje in našo "prisotnost". Shen je odgovoren za stvari, kot so razmišljanje, načrtovanje in čustvovanje. Shen je končna Yang-ova entiteta, nima oblike ali obrisa. Ker sta Yang inYjin vedno neločljiva, se končni Yang zanaša na končni Yin, na bistvo/Jing. Brez konstitucije materialističnega temelja bistva Jing se naš Shen ne bi imel kam umestiti. Torej tudi če imamo močno misel in idejo, bomo brez podpornega in delujočega telesa prej duh kot človek. Brez jasnega uma pa je naše telo zgolj piščanec brez glave. Naš um določa naše odločitve in vedenje na račun našega bistva in energije Qi. Um je kot voznik v avtomobilu, nadzoruje, kam se peljemo. Model/načrt avtomobila je prirojeno bistvo, določa, ali gre za SUV ali tank ali motorno kolo. Qi je bencin. Naš um lahko vpliva na naše zdravje, saj določa, kako uporabljamo svoje telo, svojo energijo. Ne obstaja najboljša oblika načrta, temveč le pragmatična uporaba orodja. SUV je nedvomno močan avtomobil, vendar ne bi zmogel ozkih ulic kot motorno kolo. In tudi če je SUV močan, ni tako neprebojen kot tank. Tank se zdi nepremagljiv, vendar porabi tudi veliko goriva. Zato na koncu dneva za boljši um vedno potrebujemo višjo modrost, potem pa v zameno ohranimo tudi boljše zdravje.


Jing, Qi & Shen: The Three Treasures in Traditional Chinese Medicine

If you have visited our Ljubljana ordination, have you ever wondered what is written on our decorative mirror? (Traditional Chiese characters are read from right to left or top to bottom.)

In Chinese medical theory, 精 Jing, 氣 Qi, and 神 Shen are three vital energies that are essential to sustaining human life. They are called the “Three Treasures,” and each one contributes to the overall health and well-being of the body. There is no exact English translation for Jing, Qi, and Shen, they are often translated as Essence, Vitality, and Spirit. A very old analogy, used since time immemorial, and taught to us by Master Teeguarden, would explain these concepts using a candle.

The Jing is the wax and wick of the candle, it is extremely condensed energy that becomes material. The Qi is the flame likened to the energetic activity of the candle which when burning (alive) results in the burning down of the candle. The Shen is the light/radiance emanating from the lit candle.

Jing - Material Essence, Creative Energy

Jing is the most concentrated energy. It is often referred to as “essence”. Essence is seen as the basis of growth, development, and reproduction. Jing is the primal energy of life. Jing or Essence can be summarised in two parts: congenital/prenatal, acquired/postnatal. Prenatal Jing is acquired at birth from the parents and ancestors. Postnatal Jing is acquired after birth through food, water, oxygen, as well as environmental and social conditions.

Like a blueprint, Jing determines the overall structure of our lives. Prenatal Jing determines basic constitution, strength, and vitality. It is fixed in quantity, determined at birth: it cannot be added to, only conserved and used up more slowly. Congenital Jing is stored in the Kidney system and can be considered the battery pack (or savings account) of your body and your life. If you burn up all your Jing too early then you’re broke. Jing is lost through excessive stress or worry, overwork, improper lifestyle or excessive sexual activities. The symptoms of weak Jing/essence are often seen as burnout, depression, infertility, and degeneration. If one has weak essence, the quality of their offsprings is also affected. The way to conserve Prenatal Jing is by striving for balance in all life activities. Balance meaning moderation in diet, work/rest, sexual activity.

Postnatal Jing is obtained from food after the process of digestion. After birth, we begin eating, drinking, and breathing independently. Our Lung, Spleen and Stomach systems begin to function. We extract and refine the material from the food and drink and the air. Postnatal Jing is the complex of essences refined and extracted. Through the function of Stomach and Spleen, we extract and refine the useful substances/energy: The heavy materialistic part is the acquired Jing (the Yin) and the non-materislisc part is Qi (the Yang), while the useless waste is then removed from the body.

Qi- Movement of Vitality

When we talk about Qi as a Treasure, we are talking about the vital energy in the human body, not the narrative that everything in the universe is Qi / energy. As mentioned earlier, the vital Qi energy is obtained from breathing the air and digesting food thus extracting the vital energy. This is mainly a form on Yang energy. It moves around the body. Yang energy moves Yin energy. Our blood (Xue) and water will be stagnated without the Qi. Also, as a form of Yang energy, Qi can produce warmth (fire). If one is lower of Qi energy, the person could suffer from fatigue, weakness, frequent cold, slow metabolism, etc.

Shen- Spirit of Life

The final Treasure, “Shen,” is translated as “Spirit” or “Mind.” In the TCM theory, we can further dividend Shen into 元神 Spirit and 識神 Mind, at least a few hundred years before Sigmund Freud. Spirit tends to be the subconscious part of the mentality and mind tends to be the conscious one. The Shen is responsible for consciousness, cognition, emotional life and our “presence”. The Shen is responsible for things like thinking, planning, and feeling. Shen is the ultimate Yang entity, it has no form or shape. Since Yang and Yin is always inseparable, the ultimate Yang rely on ultimate Yin, the essence/Jing. Without the constitution of materialistic foundation of Jing essence, our Shen would have no place to accommodate. So even if we have strong thought and idea, without a supportive and functioning body, we will be a ghost rather than human being. But without a clear mind, our body is nothing more than a headless chicken. Our mind determine our decision and behaviour, at the expense of our essence and Qi energy. The mind is like a driver in a car, it controls where we are going. The model/blueprint of car is the congenital essence, it determines if it is a SUV or a tank or a motorcycle. Qi is the gasoline. Our mind can affect our health because it determine how we use our body, our energy. There is not best form of blueprint, just a pragmatic use of tool. A SUV is no doubt a strong car, but it would not manage the narrow streets like the motorcycle. And even if a SUV is strong, it is not as bulletproof as a tank. For a tank, it seems invincible but it also consumes a lot of fuel. Therefore, at the end of the day, for a better mind, we always need higher wisdom, then in return, we also preserve better health.


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