
V juliju 2018 je bila v jami ujeta tajska nogometna ekipa zaradi hujših poplav. Po čudežu so jih po 10 dneh izginulosti našli žive. Poleg njihovega fizičnega zdravja so strokovnjaki zaskrbljeni tudi za njihovo
duševno stanje pod tako intenzivnim stresom.
‘Zelo verjetno je, da so fantje, preden so jih našli reševalci in medtem ko so bili ujeti v jami, doživeli številne stopnje tesnobe, strahu, zmedenosti, ranljivosti in odvisnosti, morda tudi obupanosti,’ pravi Paul Auerbach z Oddelka urgentne medicine na Stanford University's medical school.

Videi, posneti znotraj votline, prikazujejo dečke, stare od 11 do 16 let, in trenerja, ki komunicira s
potapljači tajske mornarice SEAL, ki so bili noter poslani, da bi jih preskrbeli z zdravniško oskrbo in jim delali družbo. Čeprav vidno shujšani in šibki, se dečki in trener zdijo dobre volje in duha, ko se smehljajo kameri in pripadniki mornariške enote SEAL pokajo šale.
Strokovnjaki pravijo, da je meditacija, temelj budistične vere, po vsej verjetnosti skupini dobro služila. Meditacija je lahko ujetim pomagala pri nadziranju duševnega stanja, ‘da so strahotne in negativne misli plule skozi njihove misli kot pojemajoča nevihte namesto bojevanja s strahovi.’
Trener ekipe je bil trener mladim fantom nogometne ekipe Wild Boars (izmed katerih jih je bilo poleg njega ujetih 12), ki je desetletje preživel odet v barvo žafrana pri budističnih menihih. Občasno se še vedno nastani v templju in z menihi vsak dan meditira.
Pri Aku Energiji organiziramo brezplačna srečanja Qigong in meditacije. Za sodelovanje v učenju tega močnega orodja se naročite na naše e-novice ali pa nas kontaktirajte.
prevod: Tanja Topić
vir fotografij: internet
Meditation as a stress relief and possibile life saving power
In July 2018, a group of Thai football team was trapped inside a cave due to severe flooding. They were found miraculously alive after missing for 10 days. Besides from their physical health, experts are concerned about their mental status under such intense stress.
"It's very likely that while the boys were in the cave but not yet discovered by rescuers that they experienced various degrees of anxiety, fear, confusion, vulnerability and dependency, and perhaps hopelessness," said Paul Auerbach, of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stanford University's medical school.
Videos taken inside the cave show the boys, aged 11-16, and their coach interacting with Thai navy SEAL divers, who have been sent in to supply them, provide medical care and to keep them company. Though they are visibly skinny and weak, the boys and their coach appear to be in good spirits, smiling for the camera as the SEALs crack jokes.
Experts say meditation - a mainstay of the Buddhist faith - likely served the group well. Meditation could help those trapped manage their mental state, "allowing their fearful and negative thoughts to flow through them like a storm passing, rather than fighting their fear."
The team’s coach was a coach to the young boys on the Wild Boars football team - 12 of whom are trapped alongside him - he spent a decade as a saffron-robed Buddhist monk. He still stays at the temple from time to time and will meditate with the monks there each day.
At Aku Energija, we organize free Qigong and meditation gathering. Follow our newsletter or contact us to take part in learning this powerful tool.
source of photograph: internet