„Razprava o vročičnih in drugih boleznih“ (傷寒雜病論) je ena izmed klasik TKM. V tej knjigi je okužba podrobno naslikana, avtor pa je spregovoril o štirih scenarijih nenavadnega podnebja, ki nam lahko škodujejo. TKM se pri okužbah ne osredotoča le na zunanje faktorje, kot so določene vrste virusov ali bakterij, temveč tudi na to, kako patogeni pridejo v naš sistem in kako vplivajo na nas. V knjigi je avtor omenil tudi šest ravni okužb ter pri vsaki pojasnil njene značilnost in morebitne zaplete. Teh šest ravni predstavlja različne ravni našega telesa. Globlja kot je okužena raven, resnejše je naše obolenje.
Številni bodo šokirani ali se ne bodo strinjali z mano, ko jim povem, da so se prehladili. Zato jim sedaj ponavadi rečem, da gre za „napad“, a me ne razumejo. Če bi rekla, da gre za „okužbo“, bi se o tem spet prepirali, saj njihov družinski zdravnik ni opazil virusa ali bakterij. Zato bi rada ob tej priložnosti pojasnila koncept „zunanjih napadov na naše telo“ (外感病).
Podobno, kot smo že povedali v člankih o hrani (povezave tukaj), velja tudi tukaj, da se TKM namesto na strukturo stvari osredotoča na njihovo naravo in značilnosti. Ko pogledamo nalezljive patogene, jih lahko razdelimo glede na njihovo delovanje in značilnosti, in sicer na ogenj, veter, vlago, mraz itd. Poleg tega moramo najti tudi točko, na kateri nas napadajo.
Razlaga je tako enostavno kot pri vojni. Zunanji patogeni so sovražniki, naše telo pa je naša država. Če je naša obramba močna, nam lahko škodujejo le močnejši napadalci. Če pa smo šibki, nam lahko celo šibki napadalci povzročijo veliko škode.
Naštela bom nekaj splošnih bojnih polj in njihovih simptomov: Meridian taijang: trd vrat, občutek hladnote, rahla vročina Pljučni sistem (površina): kihanje, kašljanje, nosna sluz Pljučni sistem (srednja in globoka raven): bronhitis, pljučnica Meridian šaojang: vrtoglavica, slabost, glavobol na obeh straneh glave, mešani občutki vročine in hladnote Meridian jangming: močna vročina, žeja, potenje Meridian šaojin ali prebavni sistem: driska Želodčni sistem: bruhanje Srčni sistem: endokarditis, razbijanje srca Sečni mehur: vroč občutek ali težave z uriniranjem.
Ta seznam bi lahko še nadaljevala, saj so z napadom ogroženi vsi sistemi in lokacije našega telesa, odvisno od moči napadalcev in naše imunske obrambe.
Lymsko boreliozo je težko zdraviti, saj ima bakterija dobrega prenašalca – klope. Enako velja tudi za mrzlico denga ali virus encefalitis, ki ju prenašajo komarji. Medtem ko morajo mnogi drugi virusi in bakterije skozi našo dihalno pot ali prebavni sistem, ki v teoriji TKM spadata na površinsko raven, nosilec pomaga virusu ali bakteriji predreti skozi močno obrambo in vstopiti na globljo raven, kjer povzroči več škode. (O konceptu površinske in globoke energije lahko preberete v članku o kronični utrujenosti: povezave) Če se vrnemo k težavi nenavadnega podnebja: z energijo jin se ni treba ponovno napolniti le našemu telesu, temveč tudi drugim bitjem. Zimski mraz bi moral zatreti delovanje določenih bakterij ali njihovih nosilcev, da lahko druge vrste bitij okrevajo in hranijo energijo.
Žal lahko za spremembo zunanjega okolja naredimo bolj malo, zato moramo proaktivno pristopiti k lastni zaščiti in utrditi svoj imunski sistem. Virusi in bakterije vstopijo v naše telo, da bi dobili energije, najbolj pri tem pa jim je všeč vlažno-ognjena energija. Za nas so to smeti, njim pa predstavljajo zaklad. Zato se izogibajte mastni, sladki in ocvrti hrani ter alkoholu. Tudi kajenje bo zmanjšalo odpornost vašega pljučnega sistema, zato vam to predstavlja še en dober razlog, da ga opustite.
Če imate kronično obolenje ali imate težave pri okrevanju po „napadu“, vas prosim, da poiščete pomoč dovolj zgodaj. Prej ko si povrnete energijo, bolj bo vaš imunski sistem učinkovit in bo lahko preprečeval nadalnje napade.
Prevod: Klara Lubej
Vir fotografije: internet
Caution of Lyme disease and other contagious diseases
“Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases” (傷寒雜病論) is one of the TCM classics. This book illustrated “infection” in details and the author mentioned 4 scenarios of abnormal climate that could cause harm to us. The focus of infection of TCM is not just the external factor like certain species of virus or bacteria but how the pathogens get into our systems and affect us. In this book, the author also mentioned six levels of infection and each level has its characteristics and possible complications. These six levels represent different layers of our body, the deeper it is affected, the more severe our sickness will be.
Many people will be shocked and disagree with me when I say that they catch a “cold”. So now I usually say that it is an “attack” but then they do not understand me. If I say that it is an “infection” and we will have another argument because their family doctor do not find the virus or bacteria. So I would like to take this chance to explain the concept of “external attacks on our body” (外感病).
Just like the articles when we talk about food (links here), TCM focus on the nature and characteristics of certain matter instead of it structure. So when we look into infectious pathogen, we categorize them by their action and characteristics, namely fire, wind, damp, coldness,etc. And this is not enough, we also have to locate the point where they attack us.
It is as simple as a war. External pathogens are enemies, our body is our country. If our defense is strong, only the stronger attackers can harm us. If we are weak, even the weak attackers can cause severe damages.
Here are some of the common battlefields and corresponding symptoms: Taiyang meridian: Stiffness of neck, cold feeling, mild fever Lung system (superficial): Sneezing, coughing, mucus from the nose Lung system (middle and deep): Bronchitis, pneumonia Shaoyang meridian: Dizziness, nausea, headache on two side of the head, mixed cold and hot feeling Yangming meridian: Strong fever, thirst, sweating Shaoyin meridian or intestine system: Diarrhea Stomach system: Vomiting Heart system: endocarditis, palpitation Urinary bladder: Hot sensation or difficulty of urination.
This list could go on and on because all the systems and location in our body could be under attack depending on our the strength of attackers and our own immune defense.
Lyme disease is a difficult condition to treat because the bacteria has a good vector, the ticks. This is also the case of Dengue fever or encephalitis virus that carry through mosquitoes. While many other virus or bacterial has to go through our respiratory tract or digestive system, which in TCM theory regarded as superficial level, the insert helps the virus or bacteria to break through those strong defense and enter the deeper level causing more damage. (For the concept of superficial and deep energy, please refer to the article of chronic fatigue: links)
Now going back to the problem of unusual climate. Not just our body need to refill our yin energy, all the creatures as well. The coldness in winter is suppose to suppress activities of certain bacteria or insert so other species could recover and store energy. Unfortunately, very little can we do to change the external environment so the proactive way to protect ourselves is to strengthen our own immunity. Also, virus and bacteria get in our body to get our energies which damp-fire energy is what they like the most. These are trash to ourselves but treasure to them. So avoid eating greasy food, sweet, deep fried food and alcohol. And of course, smoking cigarette will lower your Lung system immunity so this is another good reason to quit.
If you have chronic condition or have difficulties in recovering from an “attack”, please seek help early. The sooner you restore your energy, the better your immune system can work effective and fight off another attack.