
Pericardium 6, 內關 Neiguan se v slovenščino dobesedno prevede kot notranja vrata/notranji prehod.

Pericardium 6 se nahaja na zapestju na strani dlani, nekaj centimetrov v smeri telesa med dvema tetivama (palmaris longus & flexor carpi radialis), ki tečeta približno po centru podlakti. Točko lahko zlahka najdete, če na zapestje položite tri prste, začenši na pregibu zapestja. Točka se nahaja ob tretjem prstu, in sicer na liniji med obema tetivama.
V kitajski medicini se jo uporablja za:
premagovanje slabosti in bruhanja
pomiritev in sproščanje
lajšanje bolečine v prsih
Pri čem vam lahko Pericardium 6 pomaga
Po teoriji kitajske medicine sproži slabost napačno gibanje Qi energije. V prebavnem sistemu naj bi energija potiskala hrano navzdol, začenši v ustih. Slabost (podobno kot tudi spahovanje, kolcanje in zgaga) je prebavna energija, ki stagnira ali pa se celo premika v napačno smer, medtem ko bi morala iti navzdol. PC6 so vrata/prehod, ki preusmerja gibanje oz. cirkulacijo Qi energije in tako deluje pomirjujoče in olajšalno na neprijetnost.
Slabost in bruhanje
PC6 je primarna točka za lajšanje slabosti, ne glede na vzrok. Njen učinek je prislužil PC6 sloves, kar se zgodi le redko, da stanje olajša brez kombiniranja z ostalimi točkami. Naj bo to slabost zaradi postoperacijskega učinka opiatov, slabost zaradi gibanja, nosečnosti ali slabost zaradi prekomernega uživanja na divji zabavi prejšnjega večera - je PC6 odličen začetek.
Nespečnost in pomirjanje
Drug namen rabe Pericardiuma 6 je pomirjanje ‘Shena’. Shen se nanaša na duh osebe in je indikacija miselne in čustvene sproščenosti. Povedano v običajnejšem jeziku: pomirja um in zmanjšuje tesnobo.
Lajšanje bolečine v prsih
PC6 prav tako ‘odpira in razrahlja prsni koš’. To se nanaša na nekatere telesne simptome, ki se jih lahko doživimo ob tesnobi, kot so občutek stiskanja v prsih in srčne palpitacije. Je točka, ki je učinkovita pri lajšanju številnih prsnih težav, vključno s palpitacijami, kjer osebo boli v prsih in občuti, kot da srce bije prehitro. Včasih tesnoba prav tako povzroči slabost, kjer lahko PC6 pomaga na obeh frontah.
prevod: Tanja Topić
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Pericardium 6 (PC6)- Acupoint for nausea and anxiety
Pericardium 6, 內關 Neiguan (English meaning: Inner Gate/ Inner Pass)
Pericardium 6 is located on the palm side of the wrist a couple of inches toward the body in between the two tendons (palmaris longus & flexor carpi radialis) that run approximately down the center of the forearm. An easy way to find the point is to place three fingers across your wrist starting at the wrist crease, then look at the point where this line crosses between the two tendons.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to: – Alleviate nausea and vomiting – Calm and relax – Relieve chest pain
What can Pericardium 6 help with
In Chinese medicine, nausea is triggered by the wrong movement of Qi energy. In the digestive system, energy is supposed to push food downwards, starting from the mouth. And nausea (similar to belching, hiccups, and acid reflux) is digestive energy that stagnates or even moves in the wrong direction when it flows against the designated downward direction. PC6 is the gateway/pass to redirect the movement of Qi circulation thus works on calming and relieving the discomfort.
Nausea & Vomiting
PC6 is a primary point for treating nausea, no matter the cause. Its effect on nausea is what has earned PC6 the rare distinction of being able to treat a condition without the addition of other points. Whether it is postoperative opioid-induced nausea, motion sickness, pregnancy-related nausea or simply indulging a bit more than you should have at that killer party the night before PC6 is the place to start.
Insomnia & Calming
Another use for Pericardium 6 is to calm the “Shen”. Shen refers to the spirit of a person and is an indication of mental and emotional ease. In more common language, this translates to calming the mind and reducing anxiety. Chest Pain Relief
PC6 also "opens and unbinds the chest." This refers to some of the types of physical symptoms that can be experienced with anxiety such as tightness in the chest and palpitations. It is an effective point in the relief of a number of chest complaints, including palpitations, in which one feels as though their heart is beating too fast or too hard and chest pain. Sometimes anxiety can produce nausea as well, in which case PC6 can help on both fronts.