Slabo počutje in utrujenost
V svoji ordinaciji velikokrat poslušam paciente, ki se pritožujejo, da se kljub 7–8 uram spanja še vedno zbujajo utrujeni in neosveženi. Navadno se ob teh težavah pacienti pritožujejo še nad drugimi izrazitimi težavami, kot so bolečine v mišicah, ponavljajoča se gripa, ki se nikdar dokončno ne pozdravi, kronični glavoboli ali težave z razpoloženjem. Obstaja nekaj bolezni, ki pojasnjujejo takšno stanje, in sicer so to sindrom kronične utrujenosti, kronična limska borelioza ali fibromialgija. Ko pa bolje pogledamo te razlage, vidimo, da gre pravzaprav le za zbirko simptomov, in ne za logično pojasnilo. Brez jasnega vzroka je težko najti rešitev, če ne celo nemogoče. [Preberi več: Akupunktura učinkovita pri sindromu kronične utrujenosti]

Vedno, ko se srečam s takšnimi bolniki, jim poskušam predstaviti celotno sliko o tem, kaj se dogaja v njihovem telesu. Čeprav gre za nove in nepoznane koncepte kitajske medicine, večina nima težav z njihovim razumevanjem in zlahka sprejme naš pristop ter se ravna v skladu z njim. S primernimi načini zdravljenja ter predvsem s potrpežljivostjo in časom se mnogim med njimi izboljša splošna raven energije, kakovost spanca in imunski sistem.
[Preberi več: Vaše telo je ekosistem, ne stroj] [Preberi več: 7 navad za obvladovanje kronične bolezni]
Utrujenost in različni tipi energije
Vsi vemo, da je utrujenost znak nizke ravni energije, a zelo malo nas razume, da imamo različne tipe energije, še manj pa se nas spozna na mehanizem ustvarjanja energije. Pri ustvarjanju energije ne gre za biokemijo, kot sta metabolizem ATP ali Krebsov cikel, marveč za filološko in holistično razumevanje narave energije in njene produkcije.
Naše telo je tridimenzionalen predmet, saj je sestavljeno iz površinskega dela in različnih globljih delov. Naše celice niso enake, saj rdeče krvničke umrejo v približno 120 dneh, kostni mozeg, ki proizvaja rdeče krvničke, pa lahko živi veliko dlje in v svojem življenju proizvede veliko rdečih krvničk. Kitajska medicina pozna različne ravni energij. V primeru rdečih krvničk in kostnega mozga smo rekli, da gre pri kostnemu mozgu za globljo in bolj bistveno energijo, medtem ko so rdeče krvničke bolj površinska in odstranljiva energija. Zato ni tako važno, če izgubimo določeno količino krvi (površinske energije), vendar ne smemo izgubiti enake količine kostnega mozga (globoke energije).
Predstavljajmo si, da imamo veliko različnih globokih energij. Te so osnovni material za proizvajanje odstranljivih energij ter vzdrževanje normalnih sistemskih funkcij. Če katerekoli od teh energij primanjkuje ali je poškodovana, bomo imeli hujše težave.
[Preberi več: Jing, Qi in Shen: trije zakladi v tradicionalni kitajski medicini] [Preberi več: Tvorba krvi z več kot le železom: kako TKM pomaga pri pomanjkanju krvi]
Vzroki za kronično utrujenost
Kronična utrujenost je dokaz, da nam primanjkuje globoke energije ali pa je le-ta poškodovana zaradi:
prevelike porabe energije zaradi dela ali stresa
nizke ravni zaloge (genetika)
V nadaljevanju bom podrobneje opisala vpletene sisteme in rešitev tega problema. [Preberi več: Preprečevanje kronične utrujenosti s TKM (2/2)]
Preventing chronic fatigue with TCM (1/2)
Feeling bad and tired
Very often in my practice do I hear the patients complaining that even with 7-8 hours of sleep, they still wake up tired and unrefreshed. Usually they come with some other more prominent complaints like muscle pain, repetitive and unresolved flu, chronic headaches or mood issues. There are a few medical conditions explaining this kind of situation like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic lyme disease or Fibromyalgia but when you really look closely into those explanations, they are just a collection of symptoms rather than a logical explanation. Without a clear cause, it is difficult, if not impossible, to look for a solution. [Read more: Acupuncture Found Effective for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome]
Everytime I encounter patients like this, I always try to give them a whole picture of what is happening inside their bodies. Even though some new and unfamiliar concepts with Chinese medicine are introduced, most of them find it easy to comprehend so they can accept and comply with our approach. With some appropriate treatments and most importantly patience and time, many of them do get improvements in the general level of energy, quality of sleep and better immunity.
Fatigue and different energy types
We all know that fatigue is a sign of low energy but very few of us understand that we have different types of energy and fewer do we know about the mechanism of energy generation. By the means of energy generation, it is not about the biochemistry like the ATP metabolism or the Krebs cycle, but a philological and holistic understanding of the nature of energy and its production.
Our body is a three-dimensional subject, we have our surface section and different deeper sections. Our cells are not equal, as the red blood cells die in about 120 days, the bone marrow producing red blood cells could live much longer and in its lifetime produce many red blood cells. In the understanding of Chinese medicine, there are different levels of energies. In this case of RBC and bone marrow, we said that the bone marrow of is a deeper and essence type of energy while the RBC is more superficial and disposable type of energy. So it is not a big deal if we lose certain amount of blood (superficial energy), but we cannot afford to lose the same amount of bone marrow (deep energy).
Let’s imagine that we have many different types of deep energies. They are the blueprint and basic material for the production of disposable energies and the maintenance of normal systemic functions. If any of these deep level energies are insufficient or damaged, we will suffer from more severe issues.
[Read more: Jing, Qi & Shen: The Three Treasures in Traditional Chinese Medicine] [Read more: Building Blood with more than just iron: How TCM helps with Blood deficiency]
Reasons for chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is a status that our deep energy is deprived or damaged by:
over-using of energy because of work or stress
low storage (genetics)
In the next session, I will talk more in depth about the systems are involved and the solution to the problem. [Read more: Preventing chronic fatigue with TCM (2/2)]