Živeti v skladu z letnimi časi je jedro tradicionalne kitajske filozofije. Ta starodavna disciplina raziskuje učinke čustev in hrane na razne procese in človekove telesne sisteme. Oskrbuje nas s smernicami o tem, kateri sistemi so najpomembnejši v določenem letnem času in kako poskrbimo, da delujejo kar se da učinkovito in znotraj njih ustvarimo harmonijo. Če živimo v skladu z naravo in z okoljem, nas čakata zdravje in dolgo življenje. [Preberi več: Izvor TKM in kitajske modrosti - I Ching/ Yi Jing (knjiga sprememb)]

Srce, dominanten sistem v času poletja
Poletje predstavlja izraz energije, vzburjenja, premikanja in širjenja. Aktivna jang energija je v tem letnem času najmočnejša.
Sistem, ki najbolj ustreza poletju, je Srce. V kitajski medicini je telesna funkcija srca nadzorovanje kroženja krvi. Poleg tega nadzoruje tudi zavest, spanec, spomin in predstavlja zavetje za duh oz. shen.
Ljudje z zdravim srcem so polni življenja in motivirani, brez da bi trpeli za posledicami vsakodnevnega stresa. V hierarhiji sistemov je srce cesar. Ker je energija srca (jang) popolno aktivna, mora ostati v ravnovesju s pomirjujočo, stabilno ‘palačo’ (jinom). Če imamo premalo jina, shen iz srca uide v glavo in povzroča miselni kaos. Dolgotrajne posledice so lahko zaskrbljenost, nespečnost, neenakomeren srčni utrip in divje sanje. [Preberi več: Jin jang filozofija in duševno zdravje]
Nasveti za zdravo poletje
Ravnotežje je zapleteno. Želimo, da je srce aktivno, ampak da hkrati ne porabi preveč pomirjujoče energije. Zato smo za vas pripravili šest nasvetov:
1. Naravno hladite telo
Držite se sence in oblecite se v zračna in hitro sušeča oblačila, na primer iz lanenih vlaken. Za ohladitev od znotraj pijte naslednje pijače pri sobni temperaturi: kokosova voda, zeleni čaj, kamilični čaj, čaj iz krizantem (vendar le v zmernih količinah). Če začnete čutiti napihnjenost v trebuhu ali mehkejše blato, potem veste, da ste tega spili preveč). [Preberi več: Temelji prehrane in zeliščarstva TKM (1/4)- Štiri narave]
2. Zbudite se zgodaj, zadremajte sredi dneva in pojdite spat pozno
Ker je poletje čas življenja in širjenja, se je smiselno zbuditi malo bolj zgodaj in iti spat rahlo kasneje. Tako izkoristimo hranilno energijo Sonca. Vendar ne pozabite na počitek. S kratkim dremežem sredi dneva se izognemo najhujši vročini in napolnimo baterije. [Preberi več: Cirkadiani ritmi in telesna ura kitajske medicine (1/2)]
3. Ohranite dobro disciplino in dnevno rutino
Poletje je povezano s počitnicami. Otroci ne rabijo več vstati zgodaj, starši pa lahko poležavajo na plaži cele dneve. S tem ni nič narobe, če traja dan ali dva. Ampak iz perspektive zdravja, naše telo potrebuje redno oskrbo z energijo in stabilno biološko uro. Kitajska medicina priporoča tri obroke na dan, bogate s kuhanimi žiti, zelenjavo ter zmerno količino mesa in začimb. [Preberi več:
4. Izkoristite moč lubenice
Lubenica je kitajsko zeliščno zdravilo za poletno vročino. Poleg uživanja rdečega sočnega dela je uporabna tudi za nego kože. Z lupino lubenice lahko podrgnete kožo za prijeten občutek, ki hladi in vlaži. Prav tako lahko odrežete beli del lubenične lupine in ostalo skuhate v velikem loncu vode za dodaten hladilni učinek ob hidriranju, brez da bi skrbeli za preveliko količino vsebovanega sladkorja. [Preberi več: Dietetika kitajske medicine proti aknam]
5. Ostanite hidrirani, ampak izogibajte se sladoledu in ledu
Izogibajte se zelo hladni hrani in pijači, tudi ob najvišjih temperaturah. To nas ohladi le za kratek čas. Po drugi strani pa hladna hrana in tekočina znotraj našega telesa zavirata pretok energije qi in telo polni z bolečino. Še posebej pazljivi moramo biti v primeru, da čutimo bolečino v mišicah, želodcu ali pa imamo menstrualne krče. Zaradi uživanja hladnih pijač in nekuhane hrane bo vaš prebavni sistem lahko utrpel škodo. Hladne pijače lahko v vašem želodcu ustvarijo mrzel šok, ki ima slabe dolgoročne posledice. Pijača sobne temperature je idealna. [Preberi več: Hrano je potrebno skuhati – tradicionalna kitajska medicina pojasni prebavni sistem] [Preberi več: Koliko vode naj bi popili? Razumevanje vodne energije s TKM]
6. Izogibajte se klimatiziranim prostorom
Poletje mora biti vroče. Vročina bo odprla telo in omogočala izločanje toksinov. S tem procesom vzdržujemo naravni telesni ritem. Če res potrebujete klimatsko napravo v delovnem prostoru, nastavite temperaturo na 25-27 stopinj in se izogibajte toku hladnega zraka.
Upam, da vam bodo ti nasveti prišli prav in da boste v poletju uživali. Kontaktirajte nas za termin, če potrebujete zdravljenje za poletno uravnovešenje sistema.
TCM Cooling Tips for Summer
Living in harmony with the seasons is at the core of Traditional Chinese wisdom. This ancient discipline examines the effects emotions and foods have on the different systems of our body. It provides guidelines about which systems of the body are most significant in each season and the steps needed to support the appropriate system and create harmony within. When we live in a way that goes along with nature and our environment, we cultivate our health and longevity. [Read more: The origin of TCM and Chinese wisdom - I Ching/ Yi Jing (the book of change)]
The Dominating System of Summer- Heart
Summer represents the outward expression of energy, excitement, movement, and expansiveness. The active/Yang energy is the strongest in the year.
The system that corresponds with summer is the Heart. In Chinese medicine, the Heart’s physical function is to control blood circulation and the blood vessels, however, the Heart is also believed to control consciousness, sleep, and memory and provide a haven for the spirit, or the shen.
People with healthy Hearts are joyful and motivated without being overwhelmed by stress or difficulty in daily life. The Heart in the hierarchy of the systems is considered the Emperor. Since the Heart’s Fire energy (Yang) is so purely active, it must stay in a stable, calming and comforting “Palace” (Yin). If the Heart Yin in deficiency, shen escapes from it’s stable base in the Heart and flush to the head, where thoughts rush around uncontrolled. Over time, this causes worry, insomnia, irregular heartbeat or wild dreams. [Read more: Yin Yang philosophy and mental health]
Healthy Tips for the summer
It is a tricky balance. We want the Heart to express the active power but not letting it to burn out our calming energy. Here are a few tips:
1. Cooling our body naturally:
Get a shady spot to keep cool. Dress ventilating and drying fibers like linen. Drink these in room temperature for internal coolness: coconut water, green tea, chamomile tea, chrysanthemum tea (but only in moderate amounts. If you start feeling bloated in the abdomen or softer in stool then you know that it is too much). [Read more: Foundation of TCM dietary and herbology (1/4)- Four natures]
2. Wake up early, Take a midday nap, Go to bed late:
Because summer is the season of expansion and vitality, you will benefit from going to bed a little later and waking earlier, taking full advantage of the sun's nourishment. Be sure to take a break in the summer. A midday nap will help you to avoid the strongest heat of the day while getting an energy recharge. [Read more: Circadian Rhythms and the Chinese Medicine Body Clock (1/2)]
3. Maintain good discipline and daily routine:
Summer associates with holiday that kids no longer need to get up on time and adults can just lay on the beach all day. It is fine if you only do so one day or two. But from a healthy prospective, our body needs regular energy supply and stable biological clock. Chinese medicine advocates three cooked meals a day based on cooked grains, cooked vegetables and small amounts of meat and spices for enjoyment for most people. [Read more: When you eat is just as important as what you eat]
4. Clever use of watermelon:
Watermelon is a Chinese herbal remedy for summer heat. Besides from eating the red juicy part, you can also make use of the skin. Rub the watermelon skin on yours to give the cooling and moisturizing effect. You can also cut off the white part of the watermelon skin and cook with a large pot of water for extra cooling effect in your drinking water without worrying about the extra sugar in the juice. [Read more: Chinese Medicine Dietetics For Acne]
5. Stay hydrated, but skip the ice and ice-cream:
Avoid eating really cold food and drinks, even on a super hot day. When you think about it, it only cools you down for a moment. However on the inside, cold is constricting the flow of Qi adding to pain in the body. Especially avoid if you suffer from muscular pain, stomach pains or menstrual pains. Iced drinks and a lot of cold, uncooked food can actually be harmful to your digestive system. Iced and frozen drinks can send a cold shock to your stomach, thereby harming it's functioning in the long run. Drinking liquids warm or at room temperature is ideal. [Read more: Cook your food - digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine] [Preberi več: How much water should I drink? Understanding Water energy with TCM]
6. Avoid strong temperature difference with an A/C:
Summer is supposed to be hot. The heat will help your body to open up and expel toxins. We need this process so try not to disturb this natural rhythm of the body. If you do need A/C like in an office, try to maintain a temperature around 25-27 degrees and stay away from direct blowing of cold wind.
I hope you find these tips helpful and I wish you an abundant and joyous summer. Contact us for an appointment if you're due for a summer balancing treatment.