Že dolgo preden je znanstvena raziskava pokazala primernost in učinkovitost zdravljenja IBS z akupunkturo in zelišči, so naši srečni in zadovoljni pacienti to že vedeli.
Danes bom z vami delila dva primera obravnavanja IBS pri Aku Energiji z namenom, da podrobno pojasnim stališče TKM in da prikažem morebitnim pacientom, kaj lahko pri TKM pričakujejo.
Primer 1, ženska, starost 27 let
Ta mlada ženska je že eno trpela zaradi ponavljajoče se diareje. Na veliko potrebo je morala hoditi 5- do 6-krat na dan, poleg tega pa so je spremljale napihnjenost trebuha, intoleranca na laktozo in gluten, številne alergije, nelagodje v trebuhu in kronična utrujenost. Takšno stanje močno vpliva na vsakdanje življenje, še posebej pri ljudeh njene starosti.
Pri prvi konzultaciji sem odkrila, da ima na jeziku močno debelo oblogo, kar pomeni, da hrana ni primerno prebavljena. Namesto tega se je hrana spremenila v vlago in blokirala prekrvavitev. Pri diagnostiki glede na utrip, je utrip sistema debelega črevesja pokazal močno kopičenje toksinov, prav tako utrip ledvičnega sistema. Debelo črevo in ledvice imajo poseben odnos. Po eni strani deluje debelo črevo kot cev, ki odstranjuje toksine, po drugi strani pa absorbira koristno vlago in s tem vrača vodo v telo. Ta čista in popolna voda je Vodna energija, ki se bo skladiščila v ledvičnem sistemu. Ta vodna energija bo nato zopet zaokrožila po telesu za opravljanje številnih drugih funkcij.
Na prvem obisku sem ji dala zelišča za zaščito želodca, da bi preprečila možne moteče stranske učinke, ki jih lahko povzročijo čistilna zelišča. Uporabila sem naslednje akupresurne točke: CV12 za izboljšanje prebave; ST25, LI22 za čiščenje debelega črevesja; SP9 za čiščenje vlage.
Dva tedna pozneje, ko je sledil drugi obisk, se je njena hoja na veliko potrebo zmanjšala na 2-krat na dan, prav tako se je zmanjšala napihnjenost trebuha. Po približno 2 mesecih kasneje, ko je sledil četrti obisk, njene diareje praktično ni bilo več. Vendar je sprejela moj nasvet o nadaljevanju globljega čiščenja in bistrenja sistemov z namenom, da bolezen raje pozdravi kot samo nadzoruje.
Tu je njeno priporočilo: [ime skrito zaradi zaščite zasebnosti], ženska, starost 27 let, številni prebavni problemi, alergije na hrano, nizka energija; ‘Že po prvi obravnavi in dieti so se pokazali rezultati. Po letu terapij lahko res vidim velik napredek. Zopet lahko uživam v življenju.
Primer 2, moški, starost 50 let
Z IBS je bil diagnosticiran 15 let. Že 20 let je imel neredne črevesne navade in redko blato ter kožno alergijo in hemoroide. V svojih srednjih letih so ga začele pestiti še degenerativne težave, kot so bolečine v kolenih in tinitus.
Diagnostika utripa je pokazala izrazito zaprtost sistema debelega črevesja, ki so jo spremljali toksini vraničnega sistema. Predpisala sem mu zelišča za mehčanje blata, da bi mu pomagala pri učinkovitem praznjenju črevesja. Pri akupunkturi sem uporabila akupresurne točke LI11 z LU5 in ST34. To je tehnika, ki pomaga pri sporazumevanju med sistemi, saj ko je debelo črevo zaprto, kot je bilo v njegovem primeru, svojih običajnih funkcij samo ne more dokončati.
Pljučni in želodčni sistem sta sistema, ki sta sistemu debelega črevesja najbližja, zato sta najprimernejši izbiri za zdravljenje. Uporabila sem tudi GB34. To je točka za lajšanje funkcij žolčnika, kar pomaga pri prebavi. To je zelo nenavadno, saj se vse točke nahajajo okoli kolena in komolca, zato pa pri tem pomagajo tudi pri bolečinah v kolenih (komolci so refleksno območje za koleno).
Pri drugem obisku je bilo blato že običajno in normalno oblikovano, bolečina v kolenu se je izboljšala, vendar so bili hemoroidi nekoliko moteči, zato sem spremenila zelišča za tista, ki skrbijo za bogatitev vodne energije, da bi mu pomagala z bolj čistilnim medijem. Pri naslednjem obisku je poročal o smrdečemu blatu in urinu (ker so se že izločali toksini), zato sem mu predpisala še močno čistilna zelišča. Pri petem obisku je bilo črevesno stanje splošno stabilno, spanec je bil boljši.
Ker je bil njegov primer zapleten in je bil precej predan temu, da nadzira svoje zdravstvene težave, sva porabila veliko časa in uporabila številne zeliščne prilagoditve, da si je očistil in zbistril vse sisteme. Pri zadnjem obisku nam je povedal, da se je izboljšala tudi barva njegove kože. To je zagotovo izjemno za človeka njegove starosti, da poda tak komentar.
Seveda ne potrebuje vsak človek tako dolgega zdravljenja, kot sta ga potrebovala ona dva. Večina podobnih primerov je dobro obvladovanih po 8-12 obravnavah. Prosim vas, da če tudi vi ali vaši dragi bolehate za IBS, ne oklevajte in kmalu začnite z zdravljenjem.
prevod: Tanja Topić
vir fotografij: internet
Real and successful cases for IBS
Long before the scientific research proves the efficacy of IBS treatment by acupuncture and herbs, our lucky and happy clients already knew about it.
Today I am going to share 2 cases of IBS treatment at Aku Energija in order to explain the TCM perspective in better detail and to show prospect patients what they should be expecting in TCM.
Case 1, female, age 27
This young lady had been suffering from repetitive diarrhea for one year. She needed to defecate for 5-6 times per day accompanied by bloatedness of the abdomen, lactose and gluten intolerance, multiple allergies, stomach discomfort and chronic fatigue. Such conditions severely affect the daily life, especially for people at her age.
At the first consultation, I found that she has strong white fur on the tongue, meaning that food are not properly digested. Instead, food turned in to dampness and blocks circulation. At the pulse diagnostics, the Large Intestine system pulse was showing strong toxin accumulation so as the Kidney system. Large Intestine and Kidney have a specific relationship. Large intestine on one hand work as a toxin cleaning channel, but it also absorb the useful moisture and return those water into the body. Those pure and clear water are Water energy that will be stored in the Kidney system. This Water system will then be circulated around the body again for many other functions.
At the first visit, I gave her herbs for Stomach protection to prevent possibly irritating cleaning herbs from causing side-effects. I used acupoints CV12 for improving digestion; ST25, LI11 for cleaning the Large Intestine; SP9 for clearing the dampness.
Two weeks later, at her second visit, defecation reduced to 2 times per day and less abdominal bloatedness. About 2 months later, at her fourth visit, diarrhea was basically gone. But she took my advice to continue deeper cleaning and purifying in order to get the disease cured rather that just controlled.
Here is her testimonial: [Name hidden to protect privacy], female, 27 years old. Severe digestive problems, food allergies, low on energy ... After first treatment and diet there were results. After a year of therapies I can see a really great improvement. I could enjoy life again.
Case 2, male, age 50
He was diagnosed IBS for 15 years. He had irregular bowel habit and inconsistent stool with skin allergy and hemorrhoid for 20 years. At his middle age, some degenerative problems like knee pain and tinnitus were also bothering him.
From pulse diagnostics, it showed intense Large Intestine system congestion accompanied by Spleen system toxin. I prescribed stool softening herbs to assist the efficiently emptying of guts. For acupuncture, I used LI11 with LU5 and ST34. This is a technique to help with the communication among systems because when the Large Intestine system is as congested as his case, it cannot finish the normal function on its own. Lung system and Stomach are the two closest system with Large Intestine so they are the choice to be. GB34 was also used. It is point for facilitating the Gallbladder function therefore helping with digestion. Interestingly, because all the points are located around the knee and elbow, these point also helped with knee pain (elbows are the referral area for the knee).
At the second visit, stool was basically regular and normally shaped, knee pain was better but the hemorrhoid was a bit irritated so I changed the herbs for Water energy enriching in order to help him with more cleaning medium. At the next visit, he reported smelly stool and urine (because the toxins are getting cleaned out), so on top of the Water energy herbs, I gave him strong cleaning herbs. At the fifth visit, bowel situation was generally stable, sleep was better.
As his case is rather complicated and he is quite dedicated in managing all his health issues, we spent a very long time and many adjustments of herbs to clean and purifying all the systems. At his last visit, he told us that his skin colour looked better. It is indeed quite remarkable for a man at his age to give such a comment.
Of course not everyone need such a long treatment course as they did. Most of the similarly cases are well controlled around 8-12 treatments. If you or your loved ones are suffering from IBS, please do not hesitate to start treatment soon.