Desetletja so nam govorili, da ne smemo jesti jajc, ker je bila "prekomerna vsebnost" holesterola v prehrani označena kot nezdrava. Znanstveniki so menili, da obstaja vzročna povezava med uživanjem živil, ki vsebujejo holesterol, in povečanim tveganjem za bolezni srca. Izkazalo se je, da je več raziskav ugotovilo, da ta trditev NE DRŽI. Raziskave so pokazale, da med količino zaužitega holesterola in tveganjem za bolezni srca ni nobene povezave. Medtem nam tisočletja stara tradicionalna kitajska medicina pravi, da so jajca superhrana, celo zdravilno zelišče v naši klasični zeliščni formuli. Kitajska medicina smatra, da jajca vsebujejo jing ali reproduktivno esenco, ki izboljšuje vitalnost, delovanje možganov in krepi plodnost.

Ključni koncepti TKM o jajcih
V Materii Medici TKM so jajca dokumentirana ločeno: kot jajčni beljak, rumenjak, jajčna membrana in jajčna lupina. Vsak od njih ima različne lastnosti in funkcije.
Jajčni rumenjak, Ji Zi Huang, je nevtralne narave, medtem ko je beljak rahlo hladen. Oba imata "sladko" naravo, kar pomeni, da s sprostitvijo in utrjevanjem nahranita telo. Oba dela spadata v kategorijo "toničnih zelišč za pomanjkanje jina". Tonična zelišča se uporabljajo za tiste, ki imajo pomanjkanje (premalo energije). Energija jin je pomembna za hranjenje, zlasti Ledvic in Jeter, ali vlaženje Pljuč in Želodca. Pomanjkanje jina se pogosto kaže kot simptomi menopavze, slabokrvnost, nespečnost, neplodnost, tesnoba, odvisno od tega, kateri sistem TKM je najbolj prizadet. Ekstremno pomanjkanje jina se pogosto kaže kot izgorelost.
Jajčni beljak lahko navlaži pljuča, lajša bolečine v grlu, odstrani vročino in toksičnost, medtem ko jajčni rumenjak lahko obnovi kri, krepi možgane in izboljša komunikacijo med srcem in ledvicami, kar je pomembno za spanje in plodnost. Jajčna membrana ima zelo poetično ime: feniksova tkanina. Uporablja se za izkašljevanje, povezovanje kosti in celjenje ran. Jajčna lupina se uporablja po finem mletju, za lajšanje želodčne kisline, sušenje kožnih izpuščajev in krepitev kosti.
Jajca so dobra za vas, še posebej rumenjak!
Številne študije kažejo, da redno uživanje jajc sicer rahlo zvišuje holesterol v krvi, vendar ni povezave med uživanjem jajc in tveganjem za srčne bolezni. Po drugi strani pa je pomen holesterola premalo upoštevan. Holesterol je namreč gradnik spolnih hormonov, kot so estrogen, progesteron in vsi drugi hormoni, pomembni za plodnost. V jajcih je tudi veliko drugih hranilnih snovi, ki so bistvenega pomena za reproduktivni sistem.
Z vidika tradicionalne kitajske medicine (TKM) so jajca ena najboljših živil za krepitev Jing-a oz. reproduktivnega bistva in krvi. Jing in kri sta bistvena za reproduktivno zdravje, uživanje jajc pa je eden najboljših načinov za obnavljanje obeh. Visok holesterol je posledica motenj v delovanju Jeter in Vranice. Z uravnavanjem delovanja Jeter in Vranice s pomočjo zelišč, akupunkture in prilagoditve prehrane se holesterol v krvi naravno uravnovesi. [Preberi več: Jing, Qi in Shen: trije zakladi v tradicionalni kitajski medicini] [Preberi več: Holesterol in tradicionalna kitajska medicina]
Dr. Donald K. Layman, zaslužni profesor nutricionistike na Univerzi v Illinoisu, je v pregledu dosedanjih študij o jajcih, objavljenem v reviji Nutrition Today, ki je izšla januarja/februarja 2009, ugotovil, da jajca pomembno prispevajo k mišični moči, energiji in moči.
Uporabite svoja čutila za povezavo z naravo
Vsako živilo, ki ga zaužijete, nosi v sebi bistvo energije narave. Z uživanjem jajc v naše telo ne pridejo le biokemične snovi, temveč tudi sporočila narave, ki se prek kokoši prenesejo v jajce.
Jajca so že od pradavnine dragocen vir hrane, ki so ga lahko našli pri divjih ali udomačenih pticah. Gre za relativno poceni in učinkovit vir beljakovin. Po podatkih poročila naj bi kokoši na manjših kmetijah v Avstraliji znesle od štiri do pet jajc na teden ali 200 jajc na leto, v svojem življenju vse do nekje 600 jajc. Poleg nesenja jajc kokoši prinašajo kmetiji še druge različne koristi. Gnojijo tla, rahljajo površino tal, zatirajo plevel in škodljivce. Te dejavnosti so dobre tudi za kakovost njihovih jajc. Mikrohranila (vitamini, minerali in omega 3) se razlikujejo glede na to, kaj kokoši jedo, in te razlike lahko spremenijo barvo rumenjaka. Pri kokoših, ki se prosto hranijo z žuželkami, semeni, travo in vsem drugim, kar najdejo na prostem, je rumenjak običajno temnejše rumene ali celo oranžne barve.
Človek zagotovi kokošim varen prostor, kokoši pa mu v zameno doprinesejo k uspešni kmetiji, kar je odličen primer sožitja med človekom in naravo.
Koliko jajc lahko pojem na dan?
Enako kot pri pitju vode se ne omejujte s številom. Namesto tega uporabite svoje čute. Jajca so vsestransko uporabna v kulinariki, saj so lahko kuhana, poširana, umešana ali ocvrta ter tako del vsakega obroka. Jajca vam lahko pomagajo, da ostanete dlje časa siti. Poleg tega jih je enostavno zapakirati in relativno hitro skuhati. Sama v povprečju za zajtrk približno štirikrat na teden zaužijem po dve jajci. Da bi kar najbolje ohranila učinkovitost za krepitev možganov, jajčni rumenjak navadno pustim surov ali napol kuhan. Druge dni jajca še vedno dodajam v juhe, omake, suši ali sendviče.
Kaj pa alergije? Večina ljudi zelo dobro prebavlja in prenaša jajca. Če se po zaužitju jajc ne počutite dobro, lahko razmislite o podrobnejši diagnozi in zdravljenju po metodi TKM, da bi odpravili neravnovesje, nato pa v celoti izkoristili koristi jajc.
A very misunderstood food- Eggs, and the benefits that you should know
For decades, we were told not to eat eggs because “excessive” dietary cholesterol was labeled unhealthy. The scientists thought that there was a causal link between consumption of cholesterol-laden foods and increased risk of heart disease. Turns out multiple researches find this assumption UNTRUE. It shows NO relationship between the amount of cholesterol we eat and the risk of heart disease. Meanwhile, thousand years old Traditional Chinese Medicine has been telling us that eggs are superfood, even a medicinal herb in our classical herbal formula. Chinese Medicine views eggs as containing jing, or reproductive essence that improves vitality, brain function and enhances fertility.
Key TCM concepts about the eggs
In TCM Materia Medica, the eggs documented seperately as the egg white, egg yolk, egg membrane and egg shell. Each of these carries different properties and functions.
The egg yolk, Ji Zi Huang, is neutral in nature while the egg white is slightly cool. Both carries a “sweet” nature which means they nourish the body through relaxation and grounding. Both parts belong to the 'Tonic herbs for Yin Deficiency' category. Tonic herbs are used for those in deficiency (not enough energy). Yin energy are important for nourishment, particularly the Kidneys and Liver or moisten the Lungs and Stomach. Yin deficiency often show as menopause symptoms, anemia, insomnia, infertility, anxiety depending on which TCM system is the most affected. Extreme Yin Deficiency often seen as a burnout.
Egg white can moisten the lung, relieve sore throat, clear heat and remove toxicity while egg yolk can replenish blood, build the brain and improve the heart-kidney communication which is important for sleep and fertility. The egg membrane has a very poetic name: the phoenix’s cloth. It is used for coughing, connecting bones and healing wounds. Eggshell is used after fine grinding, for relieving stomach acid, drying skin rash and strengthening bones.
Eggs are good for you, especially the yolk!
Numerous studies show that although regular egg consumption has a slight blood cholesterol raising effect, there is no correlation between egg consumption and heart disease risk. On the other hand, the importance of cholesterol is underlooked. In fact, cholesterol is the building block of sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and every other hormone important for fertility. There are also many other nutrients in the eggs that are vital for reproductive system.
From a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) perspective, eggs are one of the best foods to build the Jing, or reproductive essence, as well as the Blood. Both Jing and Blood are essential to reproductive health, and eating eggs is one of the best ways to replenish both. High cholesterol is attributed to Liver and Spleen function disorder. By regulating the Liver and Spleen function using herbs, acupuncture and dietary adjustment, the blood cholesterol will naturally rebalance.
Donald K. Layman, PhD, professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of Illinois, in his team’s review of prior egg studies published in the January/February 2009 issue of the journal, Nutrition Today, concluded that eggs make a significant contribution to muscle strength, energy and power.
Use your senses to connect with the nature
Every food you eat carries the essence of nature’s energy. Eating eggs brings more than just biochemical material to our body, but also the nature’s messages transferred through the hen into the egg.
Since prehistory, eggs have been a valuable source of food that could be found in the wild or domesticated birds. It is a relative lost cost and efficient source of protein. Report suggested that poultry hens on small farms in Australia can be expected to yield four to five eggs a week, or 200 a year, up too around 600 eggs in its lifetime. The chicken brings various benefits to the farm besides from laying eggs. They can also fertilize the soil, loose the surface soil, control weeds and pests. Meanwhile, these activities are good for the quality of their eggs. The micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and omega 3s) vary depending on what chickens eat, and that variation can change the yolk color. Chickens that are free to forage for insects, seeds, grass, and whatever else free-foraging chickens eat, will usually have a yolk that is a darker yellow or even orange color.
Human provide a safe space for the hens, and in return the hens bring a prosperous farm to human, an excellent example of human-nature harmony.
How many eggs are okay?
Just like water consumption, do not limit yourself with a number. Use your senses instead. The eggs are so versitales in cooking, whether boiled, poached, scrambled or fried, it can be part of any meal. Eggs can help you to stay full longer. They are also easy to pack and relative quick to cook. In average, I eat 2 eggs for breakfast for about 4 times per week. To best keep the brain building effect, I usually keep the egg yolk raw or semicooked. Other days I still put eggs in my soups or sources or in my sushi or sandwich.
But what about allergies? Most people digest and accept eggs very well. If you feel unwell after eating eggs, you can consider a more detailed TCM diagnosis and treatment to manage the imbalance, then fully embrace the benefits of eggs.